I have been researching herbal remedies and alternative treatments for children lately. My six year old is exposed to a new illness every week at school it seems so taking care of him and my other kids in a natural way is of great concern to me. I will try and break up this information into segments…and start with information on maintaining a healthy immune system.
Healthy Immune System
The first thing to consider is that they need a healthy immune system in order to fight off anything that they get exposed to. The basics in keeping an immune system healthy would be to make sure that your kids are eating a healthy diet with lots of the important vitamins, getting adequate exercise, and good sleep. But beyond that many health officials are telling us we should also use supplements like fish oil and probiotics.
Fish oils are rich in essential fatty acids, including omega-3s, so they provide a powerful immunity boost. I know that there are many moms that disagree with using this source of omega-3s, vegans included, but other sources such as flax seed may not be an acceptable alternative. Flax seeds contain the omega-3 fatty acid ALA that must be converted to DHA by an enzyme so that the body can incorporate it into cells. Children make this enzyme only in small amounts, if at all. If they do not have the enzyme they will not benefit from the omega-3 fat in flax seeds. Newborns are completely unable to convert ALA to DHA. Even adults struggle with this conversion. Hence, Flax seeds are not an adequate source of DHA.
So that brings us back to fish oil, which has been touted for years for its health benefits. Just make sure that any fish oil you buy is labeled mercury free. Look for products that say pharmaceutical grade or distilled, to make sure no mercury, other metals, PCBs, or dioxins are contained in it.
You may also want to consider probiotics. Probiotics are healthy bacteria such as acidophilus or lactobacillus, found in yogurt. We should have healthy bacteria in our bodies but this can be undermined by things like stress, an inadequate diet, and the use of antibiotics. Taking daily probiotics reintroduces these healthy bacteria, which can help with gastrointestinal viruses, eczema, food allergies, and asthma.
Make sure to read up on both of these healthy options for a super immunity boost for you and for your children. :)
Hello Tiffany,
I have been using the fish oil for years off and on with my son, who is 16 now. Every winter he gets the upper respiratory crud, coughing that seems to never go away. We use the Carlson brand of fish oils. They are one of the best on the market. Very clean and high quality. You need to make sure the fish oils are not rancid, which they can easily become. Carlson is a well know high quality, clean brand for fish oil.
Probiotics, also, must look for a high quality source. Yougurt has some probiotic in it but generally a limited amount…as there are several strains of bacteria that are missing from most peoples gut. Also, there are so many probiotics that are just junk. The ONE Group has their own probiotic that is the world’s only 100% certified organic probiotic. It is called InLiven. There are 12 strains of bacteria in it. It is plant borne bacteria NOT soil borne bacteria. You can purchase it off my website (www.elyorganics.com) under the heading of Mivitality.
I believe Dr. Rubin of Garden of Life also has a very good probiotic. When you are looking for probiotics it pays to be educated about them because like I said there are many on the shelf that are just not worth paying for.
The InLiven that is distributed by the ONE Group is in dry form, they are dormant and are not activated until it is put into liquid. I put mine in water but it can also be put into apple juice (but no citrus juice as that is too acidic and will kill the bacteria) That means that the colonies of bacteria are not declining in the container as it sits on the shelf in the store as opposed to a liquid probiotic that is already on the decline as soon as it is bottled and then sits on the shelf in the store.
The InLiven actually builds more colonies when it gets into your gut as opposed to the colonies already dying off as they sit on the shelf in many other types of probiotics on the market. The InLiven is $54.95 which is comparable to other equivalent good probiotics on the market. If you take one teaspoon a day (recommended) the Inliven will last one month. But think of it this way, if it keeps you from having to go to the Dr. then you are actually saving a lot more than what you are spending.
I have been using the InLiven for a year now, I NEVER get sick, Never, seriously. I take care of my kids and my husband who get the winter colds, etc but I never get sick.
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I looked at that Carlson fish oil for my family. How do you take it….how do you get your kids to take it? I’ve only every taken capsules. Thanks!
My kids are happy to take fish oils when mixed inside a fruit smoothie!
Great post! I myself give my 18-month daughter probiotics every day, fish oil in a form of salmon twice a week, lots of super foods like mango, bananas, avocados, oats, etc., a spoonful of wheatgerm, a spoonful of coconut oil daily, and I make tea and cook with herbs and spices which boost her immunity, too.
Something else that can boost your child’s immunity naturally is water therapy, have you heard of it? There are actually thousands of water therapies, but just a few of them are suitable for babies and small children like drinking water, Thalassotherapy (or dead see salts baths), etc. More on the topic here: http://www.greenkiddie.co.uk/Water.php