Crazy Sexy Cancer

crazy sexy cancer tips is just me or is the Oprah show getting better and better. Like I have said before, I am NOT an Oprah fan but I am now blogging for the third time about a topic covered recently on Oprah. First it was Jenny McCarthy and autism, then it was Jessica Sienfeld and Deceptively Delicious and now Kris Carr and Crazy Sexy Cancer. WTH?

Yesterday’s show was about cancer and the first guest was the reason I tuned in…Kris Carr. She created the documentary Crazy Sexy Cancer and wrote the book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips. I picked up the book at Whole Foods only to find in delight that she turned to raw foods in her healing journey. I know, I know…I keep dropping these raw foods hints…I will get to that later I promise.

Kris was diagnosed with a rare cancer in her liver and lungs at the age of 31. Her cancer was so rare in fact that medical professionals told her they really had no idea what to do as far as treatment so one of her doctors suggested building her immune system and becoming as healthy as she possibly could under the circumstances. As she said she “took that morsel” of hope and “made a cake”. This event lead her on one action packed journey and she made a movie and wrote a book along the way. It seems one of her objectives was to reach out to young people with cancer (hello…me) and show them that you can still be beautiful and sexy and just plain awesome while surviving cancer. I wish this book had been around when I was diagnosed because as Kris pointed out, most cancer books are grim and depressing.

The book is basically a step by step guide for organizing your schedule in cancer college and finding ways to heal that perhaps most conventional doctors will not talk about. I REALLY liked this section as I have long been thinking that IF I were to come out of remission I just might not go with conventional treatment again. I guess I did kinda back out of the original treatment as well and quit Chemo a full month early.

Kris’s cancer is now in a kind of dormant state. It is still there but it is not progressing in any way. It has been stopped in its tracks but it is still there. On the Oprah show she talked about why she wasn’t depressed about her condition. She said “How can I be sad or depressed when I feel this good!” She has a point there!

Anyway…the book has a bunch of awesome pictures and insights from Carr and several other young cancer survivors. If you know if a young adult that has developed cancer this book would make a great gift.