The Death of the Raw Almonds – Take Action Now!

keep almonds rawI have been writing letters and signing petitions this week about what I think is a very important issue…the integrity of the almond industry has been seriously compromised and we need to stand up and say we won’t tolerate it. I am absolutely fuming about this and I will tell you why.

The California Almond Board which is chaired by almond company officials has declared that all almonds in the US must be pasteurized (heated to kill bacteria) and the USDA is supporting it. This means they will either be doused with chemicals (aka  conventional almonds) or steamed (aka organic almonds) and they will no longer be raw and unprocessed. The USDA will also be allowing almond sellers to label these cooked almonds as raw.

This has me mad for a couple reasons. First, there are many truly “raw” almond sellers that either had to compromise their business ethics and start using pasteurized almonds or they had to start exporting from European countries where food laws are not so draconian. I really like to support local growers and US farmers but with this new law I am forced to buy almonds from Italy.

Secondly, I value very highly raw and unprocessed foods with all their nutrients and enzymes in tact. They are healthier and they taste better and I am furious that the government feels they can keep telling me what I can and cannot eat. Raw dairy is illegal in many states, certain herbs have been banned, and now raw almonds are banned. Is anyone else seeing an alarming pattern???

The government allows us to use dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, eat foods with chemicals in them, buy products with carcinogens, and inject neurotoxins into our babies and children even when they are clearly getting sick and dying as in the case of Gardasil. But yet the government is continually NOT allowing us to eat natural foods that are unprocessed and still in their original and most healthful state. It certainly looks as though our government does not want us to be healthy….I mean after all…if we were healthy…would we need those pharma drugs and vaccines????

This is an example of greedy corporations and greedy government getting in bed together to protect profit after they see a large bunch of people start buying up raw almonds. Well, we just can’t have that, can we?

I strongly urge everyone who reads this to take action. We want health freedom and “the man” needs to keep his nose out of it! Sign this petition to have the USDA suspend this action for a review and to allow public comments. After you sign there is also a link to send a letter to your congressional representative too.

Also take a look at this NewsTarget interview with Seth Leaf of if you want more information. And if you want truly raw almonds you can order from them too as they are getting their almonds from out of the country until this draconian law is overturned.