Fall Bloggy Giveaway for our 500th post!

I am participating in The Fall, Y’all Bloggy Giveaway! This giveaway is also a celebration of my 500th post!!! Wow…it has been a great ride getting this blog up and running.

I started it just a hair over two years ago and with over 300 feed subscribers and twice as many visitors each day this blog has come a long way.

Looking back here are some of my favorite posts:

I wrestled with my decision to get Chemo in Is Chemo Part of Natural Family Living.

My son started eating lunch at school and we turned to the Laptop Lunchbox system.

I discussed making healthy and frugal school lunches too.

Many people responded to my sharing my son’s vaccine injury.

One of my greatest hits has been the post about BPA Free Sippy Cups….followed closely by the post about BPA Free Baby Bottles.

I have met many great people along the way and many great bloggers. Here is to another 500 posts!

For the contest I am giving away two products that are perfect for the natural family AND perfect for the cold weather months that are upcoming. One product is for mom and one is for a child.

Just leave a comment on this post telling me why you LOVE this blog and you could win:

tutuwhite.jpg1. A Pair of organic, mantra knee socks from Maggie’s Functional Organics that say “I am Calm”. They are size 9-11 and a natural cotton color.


2. A pair of organic, natural colored BabyLegs leg warmers. These are a HUGE hit in our home and I am sure they will be in yours too. They can be worn by either a boy or a girl.

They would make excellent Christmas presents too!

A winner will be chosen at random on November 5th. Open to US and Canadian residents only. Thanks everyone for making this blog rock!

And make sure to check out the other fall giveaways here.


  1. Sharon@New Urban Green Living

    Wow congratulations on your 500th post. You’ve taught me so much about natural products and choices. The giveaway sounds great – can’t argue with warm socks and/or leggings at this time of year!

  2. Summer

    Awsome give away! Count me in here!

    Summer’s last blog post..Yummy Bath Set Give Away

  3. Mercedes

    Hi! I would love to be included in the giveaway. I hope I get lucky.

    Mercedes’s last blog post..Real Life Financial Emergencies

  4. And Miles To Go....

    great giveaway, please count me in!

    And Miles To Go….’s last blog post..Fall Bloggy Giveaway!!

  5. Elizabeth

    I am very into natural living so I always appreciate another like minded blog!!

    Elizabeth’s last blog post..Fall Y’all Giveaway Time!!!!

  6. Tuesday

    Congrats on yoru 500th post!

    Tuesday’s last blog post..Autism

  7. Jenna

    :) I love this blog because it gives me tips on natural living in an easy to read and understand format… so that I don’t feel OVERWHELMED. (Plus, babylegs for free?! HOLLA!)

    Jenna’s last blog post..Let’s Start Off the Week with Good News

  8. I love all things natural… so of course I love your blog! Thank you so much and congrats on your 500th post!! What a perfect giveaway!


  9. Cara

    I’d love to be entered! She needs some babylegs to keep her legs warm this winter :)


    Cara’s last blog post..Love is…

  10. Beth @ The Natural Mommy

    I don’t understand why you don’t have THOUSANDS of people wanting those babylegs. Because I have been DROOLING over them for weeks now as the weather turns colder. I dread the thought of having to put pants on those bulky cloth-diapered butts. Because you know they run around pantsless. All day. Every day.

    Hope I win!

    Beth @ The Natural Mommy’s last blog post..Meet-and-Greet Monday: The Benjamin That Stands

  11. Meleah

    I love your natural product reviews — very helpful.

    Meleah’s last blog post..Inevitable discovery…

  12. Babylegs! You rock! You are now my favorite giveaway! LOL I have one pair and want a ton more, they are fantastic!

    qtpies7’s last blog post..Sticky Post

  13. Okay, my daughter desperately needs the leg warmers now that it’s so cold out!

    Nicole’s last blog post..Trains

  14. Elizabeth-The Whole Family

    WE love organic in my home! Great give-away! Enter me please. And come enter my giveaways too!

  15. Christina

    I like your blog because I am interested in things natural and organic. I have been considering for at least three years becoming a raw vegan, so I have been very interested in your recent posts about that. Please keep up with those recipes and raw suggestions.

    Enter me please.

  16. I love natural products and you sharing your stories only helps others. Thanks for that and thanks for the chance to win goodies for our family!

  17. Anna

    I’m so glad to find you! And an awesome give away too!

    Anna’s last blog post..Grand Visit

  18. Teri

    I love your blog, because you are real. You tell it like it is, the good, the bad, and the beautiful.

    And, you do it with a sense of humor.

  19. Cindi

    Hi, Please add me to your wonderful give-away drawing. How fun…..Thanks, Cindi

  20. Laura H.

    This is my first time visiting your blog! But I’ll definitely keep reading!

  21. I just started reading your blog recently, but I love it because you write about issues that are important to me. I am interested in reading the links you provided above. Congrats on 500 posts. Wow!

  22. Laura @ Laura WIlliams' Musings

    Great giveaway! Please count me in!

    Laura @ Laura WIlliams’ Musings’s last blog post..Monday Edition of Contests Galore

  23. I love this blog because I find out about so many cool natural living products and ideas. Two of my favorite things I now have that I found out about here are my animal egg molds, and the laptop lunchbox.

    Dawn’s last blog post..Silver Falls

  24. Kim

    I found your blog from a link about the BPA sippy cups. Infact I FINALLY got a foogo just yesterday (My friend was visiting in St. L at http://www.cottonbabies.com and found it for me in their store. :D

  25. We are great fans of organic and natural living. Along with the content, we love the design, graphics and colors of your website. Congratulations on 500 posts!

  26. Scarlett

    I love all things natural! And I also had the issue of chemo/natural living so I really love that post! Please count me in!

  27. Leah

    I love your blog for great info for myself on subject I may not have looked into myself but also to send people too who are just getting into Natural Living. Thank you for such an informative blog.

  28. Ashley S.

    Woohoo! I share the love for Babylegs–especially for those of us that use elimination communication. I don’t have an organic pair just yet though!

  29. Stacey

    I love your blog. I even made the raw peach cobbler

    Stacey’s last blog post..Fall Ya’ll Giveaway

  30. Belle

    I love your blog because ever since I had my son five months ago I have been trying to live a healthy, more green lifestyle. You have really helped me accomplish some of the things I have wanted to do and brought some things to my attention that I need to think about for my son’s safety. Thanks so much and keep blogging!

  31. sarina

    i like the honesty in your blog
    enter me please!

  32. I love the prizes you are offering! Count me in…
    and CONGRATS on 500 posts! That is great!

    Sarah’s last blog post..Fall Y’all!

  33. kd

    great to have found you…loving your blog! also loving the babylegs that are a part of your giveaway!

    kd’s last blog post..stories of loss

  34. Sarah

    Congrats on your 500th post. Congrats on kicking it to cancer. I’ll have to check out some of your posts on vax & other issues. You and I probably have quite a bit in common.

    I have wanted BabyLegs ever since I found out about them 2 babies ago. I’d like to get to use them while I still have a baby! Thanks for a chance to win BabyLegs and socks to pamper mommy as well.

  35. What a great giveaway! I would love to win, so count me in! Congrats on your 500th post! Good luck everyone!

    Happy Monday!

    Jennifer :-)

    Jennifer’s last blog post..What Are You Into This Month?

  36. I’m having a little one soon and want us to both wear as many natural things as possible, count me in!

    Anjanette’s last blog post..Breaking News!!!

  37. Randi

    Adorable! Hope I win! Thanks for hosting.

  38. Nicole

    Congratulations on 500 posts!

    One of the things I love about your blog is the recipes.

  39. What a great giveaway! Please count me in! :) And I love your blog because it’s another mommy blog…I love finding new mommy blogs! I also love the colors!

  40. Julie

    I love those baby legs, please count me in.

  41. Melanie aka Batgirl

    Love these!

    Melanie aka Batgirl’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway!!!

  42. i have read you for awhile and just like that you are a good source of info for anyone that is new to being greener than before. i recently posted and linked to you, as well as giving you a friday fuzzy. bummer is i have emailed or commented questions to you before with no response. i am sure you are busy like most of us moms!

    stacey’s last blog post..Fall Y’all

  43. Pingback: B Nature Organic Baby Clothes Winner! » Natural Family Living Blog

  44. please enter me in the give away! this is my first time here, but I like all your links- your photo is great too. I am going to go check out your article on lunches, I always need healthy ideas.

    I am always cold, I loved leg warmers in the 80’s, I’m so sad that they are back in now, but only for kids!! Great give away!

  45. Miranda

    I would love to win either one!! My little one would love the babylegs!

    Miranda’s last blog post..Fall Giveaway!!

  46. mindi

    This would be awesome. Congrats on 500 potsts!!

    mindi’s last blog post..In Control

  47. pickel

    if anyone knows me…they know I am ALL for this!

    pickel’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway

  48. christina b

    I love all the info on natural products!

    christina b’s last blog post..Strollers and a Speedy Son.

  49. Nikki

    Please enter me . What a neat giveaway.


  50. Marie

    what a great gift! count me in! I’m glad I found your blog, I will definitely be back.

    Marie’s last blog post..The Matt Damon Story

  51. Carey

    I like your blog because it helps me realize how many small things I can teach my children that will eventually make a difference.

  52. Kathleen Marie

    That baby is so cute! What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for entering me ^-^
    Oh, and mine is posted!

    Kathleen Marie

    Kathleen Marie’s last blog post..Christmas Ornament Exchange

  53. Heather

    Just found you, but having a great time reading. Thank you for sharing all you’ve learned! Hope to win!

    Heather’s last blog post..Bad blogger

  54. Thrifty Gal

    I love your blog because you have the cutest pictures! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    Thrifty Gal’s last blog post..Free Reads for a Good Cause

  55. Michelle

    I have been trying to make the change to more natural products and foods in our family. Blogs like this one are great, because I can learn about all of the options that are available, that I wouldn’t otherwise hear about. I would love to be entered!

  56. Kristin

    Thanks for all the natural tips!

  57. Tori

    I love your site AND your giveaways!!! This is definitely my favorite resource for eco-chic living!

  58. I really like your blog because like you, I am trying to eliminate all the “stuff” harmful chemicals, pesticides, nitrates, MSG, parabens, propylene glycol (I could go on and on). I have basically resorted to buying most things organic and Whole Foods is my friend! : ) I am so glad I found your site. I’m going to bookmark it! I am so sorry about your son’s vaccination injury. I have had so much difficulty making a decision about vaccines. I have a 4 month old and I have been vaccinated him selectivly and I’ve actually slowed the schedule down. It has been a huge struggle with the 2 Peds I’ve been to but so far all we’ve had is some fevers after the shots. Anyway, sorry for the long comment but I am so glad I found your site.


    Caryn’s last blog post..One More…

  59. Elizabeth

    Would love to win. Looks great. Thanks for hosting this:)

  60. Please enter me. The leg warmers look so cute, and it seems like my baby’s legs are always not covered. Thanks

    Christine’s last blog post..Worth the Hype #1

  61. Linda SS

    Your blog is really informative. Thanks for the chance to be entered in your giveaway.

  62. meg

    Count me in! Thanks!

    meg’s last blog post..Menus?fall-inspired.

  63. Marlene

    I stumbled upon your blog through Rocks in Her Dryer’s contest. I had no idea that simple things such as bottles and sippy cups could be so harmful to small children. Why would companies make such poor quality products. People are willing to pay for better quality products to make sure their children are healthy.

    I bookmarked your site. Stop by mine – I am having a giveaway as well. queenoftheclick.com

    Marlene’s last blog post..$50 Paypal Giveaway

  64. I’m new to your site so I don’ t know a whole lot about it. BUT, we are big into natural stuff at our place so I’m going to subscribe to your feed and I’ll be back. Thanks!

    Sheryl’s last blog post..Challenge to myself

  65. Alyson

    What a terrific idea. Thanks for including me!

    Alyson’s last blog post..How Cool is This??

  66. The best thing about this Carnival is discovering wonderful new blogs like yours. Congrats on your long blog run and wish you many more! I’ll be back to browse later but being a huge ‘organics’ fan, I can tell I’ll love it.

  67. I love your blog because you are giving away something beautiful and NATURAL, which is so awesome!

  68. Maddie Lussier

    Hi, I really like the colors and layout of your blog, it makes it easy to read and navigate around. Also, love that fact that you’re seeking to go more natural.. that’s always encouraging. I’d love to be entered in. Thanks, Maddie li*********@gm***.com

  69. Emily C

    I absolutely love your blog because it has slowly helped me better define where I stand on the “natural” spectrum. I love it! And, my baby’s legs are always cold, even in pants, so I really want the leg warmers. :-)

  70. Adena

    Great giveaway, please count me in. We are trying to do more natural way of life too and looks like you have great tips here. I will definitely be back.

  71. jouette

    love your blog, glad I stumbled across it from Shannon’s site~I’d love to be entered for these cute gifts, thank you~

    jouette’s last blog post..Cool Stuff For Free, Baby!

  72. Eden

    I would love to win! Please count me in. Thanx.
    I’m doing a little giveaway over at my place too.

  73. Carrie

    Cool! I have always wanted to try the baby leg warmers!

  74. I don’t know what I like about your blog, but I’ve bookmarked your site and will browse through it first chance I get! Thanks for the chance to warm up my kiddos!

    Tara’s last blog post..Another Bloggy Giveaway!

  75. What a fabulous giveaway. I’m new here, so i love that I found your blog, love the design and love the natural family life concept. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com

  76. VLK

    Thanks for sharing! The vaccination post was especially touching and informative.

  77. Prairie Lady

    I do as much natural as I can.

  78. I love doing things naturally, so, naturally, I love your blog!


    Emily’s last blog post..Life Funk

  79. Lib

    I am new to your blog, but being a crunchy momma in training, I am excited to find you. I am off to read more on your blog, but before I go, add my name to the hat? Thank you!

    Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!

    notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com

    Lib’s last blog post..Giveaways and More Giveaways!

  80. Lib

    I am new to your blog, but being a crunchy momma in training, I am excited to find you. I am off to read more on your blog, but before I go, add my name to the hat? Thank you!

    Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!


    Lib’s last blog post..Giveaways and More Giveaways!

  81. beth

    please enter me and pick me, pick me.

  82. Noreen

    this is my first visit to your blog but I will be back. The prize are cool and would be well used in our house.

  83. Oooh, we LOVE our babylegs around here! Would be great to add a pair to the collection!

    Courtney’s last blog post..Menu Plan Monday

  84. JewelsHud

    These look wonderful. Congratulations on how far you’ve come – that’s great!!

  85. Meredith A.

    Great giveaway… you have wonderful ideas and great links to “natural” resources!
    Count me in!

  86. I’m not completely “crunchy,” but I like to do things naturally when I can (even childbirth, although it didn’t work out this last time). I’ve never been to your site before, but I can see coming back to learn more about being natural! I’ve seen those BabyLegs and they look fabulous! Perfect for our slightly chilly house!

  87. Karen (Mommy of Three)

    This is fabulous, please count me in! Thanks:-)

    I love the green and natural posts on your blog:)

    Karen (Mommy of Three)’s last blog post..iFloor

  88. Cherie J

    I love this blog for its natural product ideas. Thank you for the contest!

  89. Angela Willis

    OMG I so want a pair of baby legs. This is the best giveaway yet! Please enter us!

  90. My daughter would flip if I won the babylegs for her little one! She’s a fanatic about them. I wouldn’t mind the socks, either, both are fantastic prizes!

  91. Donnie

    Count me in for both, please.

  92. Kaytlin

    I’d love to win either prize, please enter me.

  93. Brandy

    We LOVE all-natural products. These would be great for us this winter, as we just started wearing dresses/skirts all the time. Please enter me!

  94. I love your product reviews and commentaries. Ok, I just love to shop, so why not shop green, right?

    mama k’s last blog post..Green Tip: Catalog Choice

  95. Donna

    I love this blog because I am also trying to live as naturally as possible. Thanks for the chance to win!

  96. Oh and b/c I forgot before, I am trying to find products that are more earth friendly so I have bookmarked your blog to return and hopefully find out more of your point of view :)

    Jessie’s last blog post..It is over for ANOTHER year

  97. LIsa

    love your blog! congrats on the 500th post. please count me in, I’m digging the organic baby legs and knee high socks!

    LIsa’s last blog post..Throwback Thursday – 99 stamp

  98. LIsa

    love your blog! congrats on the 500th post. please count me in, I’m digging the organic baby legs and knee high socks!

    LIsa’s last blog post..Throwback Thursday – 99 stamp

  99. Nature Mama

    Please add me into your draw :) I love that your site has so many links to natural products. We are trying very hard to go organic.

  100. Heather

    Wow, your giveaways are great! I just started my family 4 months ago, and having a tiny baby has gotten me much more conscious about keeping things natural, and even though I breast feed, I’m going to have to pump so someone else can feed my baby when I’m recovering from a surgery I have to have soon, and your info about bisphenol A free bottles was very helpful!

  101. Jeanette Jackson

    Please enter me and congrats on # 500

  102. Michelle O.

    I love all the helpful hints. I’d love to win! Thank you.

  103. Sarah @ Ordinary Days

    Count me in!

    Sarah @ Ordinary Days’s last blog post..WFMW: Mama Only Has Two Hands!

  104. laane

    What a great give-away.
    I would love to win, so enter me please.


    You can find contact with me through the contactform at the right top of my site, called: “contactform”.

    Feel welcome to enter my give-away!

  105. Melissa

    Congrats on 500. Thanks for sharing!

  106. holly

    I love all things natural and am looking all the time. I had no idea about the sippy cups. What about other plastic products for children?

  107. I am an organic mommy through and through and love everything you write about on the blog. Great words of wisdom have been shared! :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Chelsey’s last blog post..It’s Fall Ya’ll

  108. Pammy

    Thank you for all the assistance as we try to go organic. Please count me in!!

  109. I’ll be checking out your blog, my husband and I are starting to live more naturally/organically.

  110. CanCan

    I have enjoyed your blog over the past month (I am a new reader in October)…I like getting “the scoop” on natural products for my little ones, and reading about your philosophies (and rants!)

    CanCan’s last blog post..Traumatic Well-Visit Day!

  111. Wow, you have some really cool posts! I have been following the whole BPA stuff, and frankly, I’m aghast the government isn’t doing more than they have been. Thank you for posts like that. And the whole vaccine thing is so awful. I’m a first time mom and so confused. I’m setting up a feed to your site. Thank you for a cool giveaway. Please sign me up.

    heather h’s last blog post..Teething Blues

  112. Wow, you have some really cool posts! I have been following the whole BPA stuff, and frankly, I’m aghast the government isn’t doing more than they have been. Thank you for posts like that. And the whole vaccine thing is so awful. I’m a first time mom and so confused. I’m setting up a feed to your site. Thank you for a cool giveaway. Please sign me up.

    heather holli’s last blog post..Teething Blues

  113. carol

    Enter me. We love the natural products!

  114. Doreen

    Love your header, it’s sooo retro! Love natural things and coming here to read your blog is very refreshing! Awesome give-away!

    Doreen’s last blog post..Kangaroodle & Pinks & Blues giveaway

  115. betty rood

    happy 500th!!!that is something to be congratulated for….;)
    thsi is also a really cool contest…would love to win these…thanks again and happy november

  116. nn

    Congratulations for your 500th post!!!

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