Vaccinations and the Law

Vaccinations and the Law

Baby immunization

I thought I would just pop in here to share an excellent article I read about vaccinations and the law…or rather how there is NO law requiring vaccines.

I did some research this morning and I found dozens of places that say vaccination is state law…but the more I think about the more outrageous it seems to me that our government can enact and enforce a law that requires ALL people to undergo a medical procedure. It boggles my mind that they could do that when I actually think about it. What kind of medical procedure can they mandate next??? So is there a law stating that we have to vaccinate?

According to Prison Planet the answer is no…

In reality, there is no law that says you have to vaccinate your children and waiver forms for personal or religious exemptions are freely available.

A situation in Prince George’s County, MD. has attracted media attention and once again provided the platform for a propaganda push that falsely implies it is the law for children to be vaccinated with mass produced big pharma shots that are often not stringently tested and have been linked with dangerous side-effects.

There is no law in America, aside from those applying to medical workers, that says you or your child has to take any vaccine whatsoever, no matter what any executive order, requirement, mandate or policy dictates, there is no situation where you can go to prison for refusing a government vaccine under the U.S. constitution and the law of the land.

As in the case of all other vaccines, executive orders and court mandates merely state that the vaccine is “recommended”.

Here is the article. Pretty interesting stuff! Any thoughts?

My personal experience sees one problem with it…when I lived in Arizona I went to a protest when a AZ court ruled that 2 children of a non-vaccinating mother be forcibly immunized. The mother and father of the kids had never vaccinated (the kids were both pre-teens) and when they got a divorce the lovely husband decided to stick it to his wife by petitioning that the courts force his wife to vaccinate their kids. He won and the kids were held down, kicking and screaming, and then vaccinated for EVERY vaccine that they had missed up to that point. If there is no law than how can this stuff go on? Perhaps it was just a case where a judge had to choose which parents wishes should be honored and the father won out since vaccines are considered the “responsible” thing to do in society today.

If vaccines were mandatory according to law wouldn’t your pediatrician have to turn you in for breaking the law when you decline them? According to the Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute the only regulation in place for vaccines are governed by individual states and even then they are not blanket laws but merely requirements for state funded public education not children in general and law dictates that you have waivers to opt out if you so choose.


  1. KC

    Kudos to you for doing your homework. NO They are NOT law. I ask a Dr. who insists if they can “GUARANTEE” my child will NOT be injuried. (In Writing). Of course they will not b/ they cannot. Which I defer them to a russian roulette game. Not Playing it.

    KC’s last blog post..Global Warming ‘greatest scam in history’

  2. Brooke

    Thanks for posting this. Lots of parents out there are concerned now that they will get in trouble for not having their kids vaccinated.

  3. casual friday everyday

    Tiff, I just saw on CNN that over 1,000 parents have gotten their kids vaccines over this threat and there are over 900 left. And they are still threatening jail. From what I saw, I’d believe it if I were a parent too. They are being very serious bullies about it.

    I just can’t believe it. I mean, if you really are immune to the diseases if you get your shots then the only ones “at risk” for the diseases would be the unvaccinated…so what is the big deal if they let kids in school who aren’t vaccinated?

    I assume the parents who don’t vaccinate understand the risks and pro’s to not vaccinating. I do. UGH, this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. That these parents have been bullied into making their kids at risk from the vaccines.

    It’s also concerning me as to what our future’s are going to look like in this “free” country if they allow this to happen. I feel like it’ll be like opening pandoras box. What’s next? You can;t homeschool? You can’t buy and use suppliments as you wish?

    And where is the rally on Maryland right now? There needs to be people standing at the courthouse steps with signs and uniting on this injustice!

    casual friday everyday’s last blog post..No More Jibber Jabber?

  4. Dana

    I was told I needed to get my 20 month old twins their flu shot. There isn’t a place in town that has the preservative free version. Now after reading this I am not sure even that one is safe? Any feedback?

  5. Sharon@NewUrbanMom

    That’s the situation in my jurisdiction. In fact one of our school boards declined to participate in state wide vaccine program. It caused all sorts of problems from people thinking the board had overstepped its boundary and was making it more difficult for parents to get this free vaccine.

    The board stood its ground and now more and more people are applauding them.

    Sharon@NewUrbanMom’s last blog post..Grocery Shopping Never Felt so Good

  6. Our pediatrician in IL shamed me into having our kids vaccinated for chicken pox. (“What?! *You* had a bad case of it when *you* were growing up, and *you* don’t want to keep that from happening to your *own kids*?!!!”)

    We homeschooled our kids for several years, so I was able to delay some of the shots with my youngest when I finally woke up and learned even more about vaccines. My hubby (who works in healthcare) and I differ over this issue, so he really pushed and threatened me to get the older two vaccinated before they started public school.

    When we moved to WI and our youngest started public school, I just told them she wasn’t vaccinated for religious reasons which I had heard a doctor on the radio tell people to do. Not a prob with the school. It was with hubby…, so I used the excuse that we didn’t have a pediatrician, yet.

    Now the docs and my hubby are pushing vaccines for menengitis with our oldest child. Even though we have two friends whose sons suffered from this and nearly died, I don’t want it. My doc in IL maintains that if you eat healthy foods, staying away from processed junk, and are healthy, your body should be safe.

    This is kind of like the same thing as women being pushed–and scared–into having mammograms (finds structures like organs and tumors) when thermograms (shows physiological abnormalities) will give you an earlier warning, is safe (no radiation), and is much more accurate. Any abnormalities than can be looked at by a mammogram, need be–if it even shows up on one. It takes 5-10 years for a tumor to grow and be large enough to show up on a mammogram. If you catch it early enough with a thermogram, you still have a chance of being able to treat it with diet and nutrition–*naturally*. Just wrote an article on thermograms, and found the whole thing so interesting!

    Leza’s last blog post..Albino Squirrels

  7. Wendy

    We homeschooled until my thirteen-year-old wanted to try school last year. We were called daily by the school nurse until I sent her a form I downloaded that said we weren’t vaccinating. She just needed the paperwork to get the state off her back and thus she got off our backs about the shots. The parents facing jail time have the option of doing the paperwork and saying it’s religious or other reasons. My understanding is that the jail time is for truancy if the paperwork is not filed not for lack of vaccinations. I find it interesting that we are having a whooping cough outbreak here in central Ohio and the kids are mostly vaccinated adolescents who now need a booster.

  8. It’s not a law in Washington State. All immunization forms for school and childcare have a place where the parent can sign. A parent can deny immunizations based on religious reasons, health reasons, or personal reasons.

    Beth Goss’s last blog post..Maybe not so much of a mystery

  9. Marie

    The reason the judge in that divorce case forced the vaccinations was because the father made the request. The judge chose to honor the father’s request over the mother’s. If both parents continued with the desire to delay vaccinations the judge would not have done anything. The sad thing is that the dad probably did that purely out of spite, at the expense of his children.

    Marie’s last blog post..Dear Minda and Delanie…

  10. I live in one of the 2 states (West Virginia and Mississippi) who absolutely will not let any child in public school or sports without being vaccinated. Not all parents have the desire or are able to homeschool, so many are forced to do it here. Ive come to terms with this, Ill be homeschooling, and we will deal with other issues, such as sports, as they come along later. I just hope this country wakes up and realizes we should all have a choice, thats supposed to be what America is all about.

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