The No Cry Discipline Solution

The No Cry Discipline Solution

When parents hear the word discipline they often think about coercion and punishment used on children to help bring about desired behaviors. They think about time-outs, spankings, and grounding their…

Our Community Garden

I think I may have mentioned awhile back that I missed out on planting a garden at my home because I moved right during the prime planting time. Well, I…
Eat Your Salmon

Eat Your Salmon

I am a big seafood fan. My three kids, my husband, and I would be happy and content to eat little else but fish, shrimp, mussels, clams, oysters, name…

This Kid is Watching You!

I found some great YouTube clips that show a small boy getting involved with environmental concerns. No doubt his parents have helped "educate" him in this regard but it is…