The Power of Green

I am amazed every day by how many choices we have to further green causes. It seems that businesses are are either getting hip to green marketing or they are trying to do their own own part…or maybe a combo of both. But more and more you help further green causes just by buying the stuff you would otherwise buy. Aka green cleaners instead of conventional, reusable instead of disposable, airline ticket from airline that offsets carbon usage, etc. It gets easier and easier to be little green.

Take this infrared sauna company. If you are in the market for one (uh not me.. but different strokes ya know) you can even shop a little greener. This company has taken action on the global warming front and they want every customer to know that a purchase from them is a purchase from a company that cares. Not only do they have a green office (offsetting five times as much carbon as they produce), for each order they receive, they offset between one to five tons of carbon based on the model ordered. As they say on their site, “Crystal Sauna is the first and only infrared sauna company that provides carbon free products and operates a carbon free business.”

Even this sauna business is doing their part to further all that is green. Would we have seen something like this even five years ago? Probably not. Green options are getting better every day.


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