Spring Giveaway from Natural Kids

Natural Toys

Giveaway now CLOSED. The winner is Little Lamb! Thanks to all who entered!!

In honor of Spring the lovely Etsy artisans at Natural Kids have donated a gift basket of natural toys and goodies for one of my readers. It is so gorgeous that I don't want to pass it on.. I want to KEEP it but alas one of you will be the new owner! But really I want to add a disclaimer that all this can be yours except… this.. and this… and maybe that…

If you recall Natural Kids is a actually a group of artisans that make a wide array of toys and goodies that will feed your child's imagination. I interviewed them a few months back. They have everything from clothes and decor to toys, dolls, and crafts. The winner of this giveaway will get a nice basket with a red cloth liner filled with the following:


A Waldorf doll – Polar Bear Creations

A wooden mermaid doll – The Enchanted Cupboard

A wool baby in a bassinet – Fairy Folk

A wooden horse toy  – Dad's Wooden Toys

A Rooster Pouch – Love a Little

2 Playsilks (one mint green and one multi-color) – The Polka Dot Dragon & Birch Leaf Designs

A cloth strawberry doll – Love a Little

A pair of organic cotton/hemp baby pants hand died green in a matching blue drawstring sack – Hand Full

Earthy stickers/decals (3 earth theme and 1 breastfeeding advocacy) – Elemental Handcrafts

2 photos of Waldorfs dolls and little cloth fairies –  Love a Little

3 tubs of Mama K's Aromatic Play Clay  – Mama K's

2 wool fairies with acorn caps (my fave item!!) – Hues of Nature

It has everything your kiddos need for hours of spring/summer fun!!

Waldorf dolls, wooden toys, playsilks

Dolls, toys, natural play

Toy basket


  1. Jenny

    Great giveaway!
    My son loves playdough! He mostly likes to eat it though, which would make this even more awesome–knowing it’s safe!
    My daughter loves dolls–she would especially have lot of fun with those!
    Love your blog! I hardly comment, but I am an avid reader–thanks for all your insightful posts.

  2. Emily

    My daughter would love the gift basket as she has been spending the last few weeks enamored with the act of gifting things to the other children that live in our building. Her generosity of spirit at once inspires and annoys me (when she gives away toys that I love)– I’m sure she would find things in this that she treasures enough to tuck under her blanket at night too!

  3. Wow what a great giveaway! I can’t even imagine all the fun my kids would have with this, their imagination is way better than mine! I can definetly see them running around outside in the wind w/ the playsilks!

  4. penny

    i would love to win this for my sister-in-law. she is so careful about what she buys for her older son and this would be the BEST shower gift! she would adore it!

  5. Anne

    These are gorgeous…..my daughter is still little so we could get years of fun from this basket…..she especially loves babies- talking to them and taking care of them!

  6. Michele Lujan

    Well, my younger daughter loves anything that could be used as a baby. She would have a field-day with this gift basket! My older one would be so excited to try to make dinosaurs out of the clay!! Great gift basket!!!

  7. my son would love this giveaway! he’s just 13 months old so many of the things in this giveaway would be perfect for him – the playsilks would be great since he loves to play peekaboo with blankets and shirts and anything he can get his hands on. Also anything with a face is a big hit right now and I think he would love the doll. oh and the horse toy I’m sure would be popular here!

  8. chyk

    my kids would love these things in their dollhouse

  9. Tiffany

    Oh my baby girl is about to turn one and she would love the dolls! She most definitely eat on them a little, but in the up coming years I am sure she would have a wonderful time creating places for the dolls to become alive.

  10. Becki

    My son and daughter would love these things! They create for hours with playdoh making bakeries and animals. They also would love the wooden dolls. Yes, even my son! My daughter loves to make up stories and act them out with her dolls.

  11. Kerensa

    My son would love to dance to music with the playsilks!

  12. melinda s.

    My boys love to create all the time!! Always coming up with new projects!! Its fun to see what will their imagination will do!!
    They love art projects…..and making up stories……love watching that creative energy explode!!!

  13. My daughter, who’s almost 5 months old now, and I would pretend that she is a giant and the dolls are the villiagers that she goes after (because she’ll try to eat them anyway, might as well build a story around what she’ll naturally do)!

  14. Ali

    I know my 2 year old would almost immediately take the clay and try to make a “choo choo.” and then he would want to cradle the baby and feed it a bottle. What a wonderful giveaway!

  15. Aja Reeser

    I can see hours of pretend play with the dolls and play silks. What a wonderful collection of goodies!!!!

  16. My daughter would host a little spring time tea party. She loves babies and pretends to take care of them all the time.

    btw, I will soon be the proud owner of some BPA-free popsycle molds — thanks for the idea!

  17. Gabreial

    I love this giveaway, great items and natural toys are even better! I would love to see my children use their imagination with these toys. I’ve used Mama K’s play clay before and loved it. We still home school during the summer so I’d love to have something like this for easy days!

  18. Marla

    Since reading the Little Bear story that includes one, my daughter has been intrigued with mermaids so I know she would love to pretend with the wooden mermaid doll. Play silks, play clay – some of my favorite open-ended toys . . . I would love to win this one, for my daughter and for some gift-giving!

  19. What a lovely basket! I’ve been really getting interested in Waldorf-style playthings and think my 1 1/2 year old girl would really get a kick out of stretching her imagination with these lovely natural toys!

  20. Stefanie Stricker

    I think this is such a wonderful gift basket – but not for my own kids. I think we would give it to our wonderful friends whose little girl is turning two in May. She would absolutely love the wooden dolls and playsilks and clay! She is at a great age for using her hands and her imagination!

  21. Sheree G

    Would love this gift. In the process of converting to ALL green living, yay!

  22. Chandra

    What a great giveaway! My daughter would love to play with the little fairies, mermaid, and dolls and my son would love the wooden horse and the play dough. I’m sure they would love all the other surprises in there as well! And their mama would love to see the other goodies from the different shops in person. :)

  23. Maria naturallyhealthymommy

    Wow! Those are all so cute! My kids love playing and creating. They would have a blast with these!

  24. Liz

    Wow!!! They all sound wonderful. The fairy dolls with acorn caps caught my attention the most. So cute!! My 3 girls could all pretend they were looking for fairies after I hide the little dolls in one of our many houseplants. :)

  25. Rebecca

    This is so lovely. I don’t actually have any kids so this entry might be kind of funny, but my husband and I run a small property managment business out of our home and many small children come through our door when their parents come to sign leases, etc. I have a small toybox with a couple of wooden toys and some cloth ones I’ve made but I think they would really get a joy out of this. Many kids are from low income situations and have played with only plastic but you should see the creativity that comes out of them when they have to do something with a purple cloth babydoll…it’s like they never noticed her skin and hair was purple! Thanks for considering us!


  26. Melissa

    Oh lordy where to begin? My daughter would cook for the dollies on her little stove her daddy made her out of scrap wood. Or she could have a tea party at her little table with all the fruits, vegetables, tea cakes, and finger sandwiches that my mom has knitted for her. Or make her own food for them out of play dough! Or she could put them in her little metal shopping cart and “go shopping” around the house. Or she could tuck them in to beds in the doll house. Or take them to the “zoo” she builds out of blocks. The choices are endless!

  27. hi!
    my daughter is still really little, but i can’t wait to use items such as these to help her create, explore and learn!

  28. Lindsay

    My little one would play for hours with this cute bundle!

  29. what your kids could create or imagine with these toys

    These are delightful! What a great giveaway! Arilyn (my daughter) is a huge fan of dolls and there is no doubt she would immediately make them all into a very fashionable family (with the silks) who has many great adventures. I am quite certain the mermaid would be the baby of the family because of it’s size. One of her brother’s dinosaurs (aka “pretend dragon”) would attempt to eat the “mermaid baby,” but will of course saved by Princess Ari. Princess Ari would likely use the play clay to blind said “pretend dragon” because she is sneaky like that.

    Good luck to everyone!

  30. Melinda

    My 2 year old would love the clay and the stickers. Stickers are her most favorite thing in the whole world. She loves to stick them to EVERYTHING. She would also love the dolls. Terrific giveaway. Hope we win.

  31. Timothea

    My daughter is nine months old now and I can just imagine her playing with all of these great things! I don’t know who would be happier–her or me ;)
    Keeping my fingers crossed!

  32. Nancy C.

    I’m really glad I found your site. I am a new mom and decided that I will do my best to get natural products, including toys, for my daughter. She is really little now, but I know these natural toys will get used as soon as she is able to enjoy them.

  33. Bridget

    What a great basket/giveaway! I think my boys would love running with the playsilks. And my littlest guy loves creating food out of playdough.

    Have a good one! : )

  34. Ophelia Bailly

    I can envision my 8 year old daughter, Avery, tucked away in the tree house creating a play for her 15 month old brother, Jack, with these lovely items. Jack would sit in rapt attention to listen to the story as he is enamored with Avery.
    Thanks so much for the chance to use them at our home!

  35. Nicole

    I know my little girls would mostly play with these toys outside. I can see the basket being dragged out into our front garden again and again, with the baby doll helping my 3 year old look for fairies, playsilks used to make canopies and blankets and picnic cloths. I can see my one year old baby sitting in the basket using it like a boat.

  36. Andrea S.

    My little girl is 2 and absolutely loves dolls and play-doh. I could see her having a tea party with all the dolls and having them take turns riding on the horse. She would probably wear the cloths as hats or scarves, or use them as blankets for the babies.

  37. Janese

    I think all of these would be fabulous for the new playroom/homeschool room I am trying to create. You see, we are a military family and we were living in limbo over a year in a dark, depressing “nightmare for green living” duplex. I was pregnant too and I have a now 4 year old. Place should be condemned! Then my husband thankfully got a new assignment in another city and we were able to finally purchase a new home, and I made sure it would have a nice backyard and a ample room (and sunlight!) to make a playroom. I also plan to homeschool and am overwhelmed by this prospect, but am taking it in little steps. I think these would enhance the imaginations of my preschooler and my baby (as he gets older), and be fabulous learning tools, dolls for empathy and kindness and clay for fun and learning, and silks are just plain fun! And I see you even have baby clothes, well, my big growing boy can certain put that to good use! I may not post much as I do not have much to say, just to learn, but I am ever grateful for your blog and this military family hopes to learn more all the time…and win! Thank you!

  38. Well, my daughter won’t even be born until June, but I know that after that, as she grows and learns about the world around her, she’d find all sorts of fun and creative activities to play with these beautiful toys!

  39. Dani

    What a great gift basket! My 3 year-old would love to take care of the Waldorf doll and the wool baby in a bassinet. She is getting ready to be a big sister and loves to play mommmy! This would be such an amazing big sister gift for her. Thanks for offering us the opportunity to win it.

  40. Liz

    My kids, ages 2 and 4, would love these! My kids love to take care of their dolls and pretend-play.

  41. LOVE the fun items! I think I would play with the playsilks the most, as some days I want to be the fairy princess in a swooping gown too! My kids LOVE playdough and the doll is perfect for my 2yr old who is on her way to being a “little mommy”.

  42. Sara

    My daughter is so into pretend play right now, and would love to use the fairy dolls and playsilks for her imaginary dramas :) She loves clay also, and I’m sick of icky-smelling playdoh. Thanks!

  43. Tiffany M

    i have 4 girls and 1 little boy…we love to play house and baby…this is an awesome giveaway for dreamers!!!

  44. how wonderful! I could see this occupying my little ones on a blanket in the backyard.

  45. Thanks for that giveaway! If I won, I would share it with my friend, she has two daughters of 2 and 5. I will be a waldorf-elementary teacher soon and could use the waldorf doll, the playsilks, the fairies,… for the nature´s table in my future classroom (lots of things you have to get to get started) and my future pupils would be able to enjoy it- year after year!

  46. Hillary

    I would love this for my sister-in-law! I’m trying to show her the pros natural parenting :) My nephew is almost 6 months old and this stuff would be a great start to show her all the awesome things there are out there & would also grow with her baby boy! (And the dolls would be fabulous to convince dad that BOYS CAN PLAY WITH DOLLS!!!) :)

  47. Monique

    What awesome toys! My children would definitely manage to set up a veterinary clinic with all these beautiful toys. Somehow, their play always comes back to their love of animals!

  48. Since I have a son who is not 2 until the end of May, I’m thinking he would love to play with the clay and squeeze the dolls really tight. He might also want to sleep with the dolls if he finds them snuggly:)

  49. my son would LOVE to imagine with these toys! he is the perfect age to play peekaboo with the play silks. by summer he will be backpacking with the waldorf doll, making little people out of the clay, and with the two wool fairies……….well….am i allowed to steal those from him? (c:

  50. Sally

    would love to win this gift basket!

  51. Nicole

    Gosh, wonderful stuff. I think our children would play with all of it and they are into being animals so they would probably pretend to be a mommy, baby and daddy animal!

  52. julie

    my children would love the clay. my niece will love the the dolls. (I think my youngest son – would like the dolls too.)

  53. Andrea

    My boys would love the little dolls, they love to play with any small person. They clay would be a big hit at our place too!

  54. Kristen

    My kids would love this! There would be some great additions to the dollhouse… and the doll would have two happy mommies :) And clay is always a hit here. What a great collection!

  55. Melissa

    My youngest is on a teaching spree. She loves to teach her dolls everything she is learning in school. She also loves to pretend to cook. I can’t tell you how many bowls of clay food I have “eaten” lately. :) Thanks for the chance to win these great toys!!

  56. What a lovely collection of toys! Perfect for spreading out under a shady tree this spring/summer and letting their imaginations run wild. I think some of these dolls would soon find residence in a lovely stick and leaf house, but who knows? The possibilities are endless when a young mind is involved.

  57. michelle Y

    Oh my gosh, what a fabulous pack!! I have two boys, ages 4 and 2, and a baby due in September–I’d love to see the boys interact with the baby with some of these toys! And not to mention the boys having the “babies” to play with to prepare them :) My younger one loves him some clay, too.

  58. Sheree

    I have a 2 year old and a 10 month old and we could use all of these in so many great ways! Make believe, puppets, peek a boo, and so many more things! :)

  59. Honestly? My little one is a bit too young yet, but I’D have a ball playing with it all!!! :)

  60. Terra Jones

    I have no idea what my creative guys would make, but it would be endless play for sure! They would love it! Esp. the babies as we get ready for #3, they are ALL about little people! :-)


  61. The Park Wife

    Love, Love, Love this. My two little guys could imagine and create so many things and learn while doing it, a win-win. I am attending a mom conference later this month with a lot of other natural moms and I would gift all the girlie stuff to them.

  62. Jen

    Oh wow! Each of these pieces would be wonderful for my daughter’s imaginative creative play – she would love them!!!

  63. Tammy

    What a wonderful prize pack! I would love to have the toys/goodies for when my grandchildren visit. The toys would be a great addition to the old Fisher Price houses w/wooden people that they love to explore with already. Imagination is so much better than television. Thanks for the giveaway!

  64. Violet

    I’m sure my son would set up the coolest little shop with these goodies and my daughter would probably make a little nursery for her new baby.

  65. Karen

    I’d love to get my daughter the dolls. I just realized that she doesn’t have any! I know she would love the play silks and clay.

  66. Nicole

    my 3 year old daughter would just love this basket!

  67. CC

    I’d love this for baby – she just turned one and is starting to be interested in dolls. She likes to cuddle and talk to them. The gift set would be perfect. Thanks for the chance to win!

  68. Elizabeth

    My daughter and soon to arrive bundle would love these- eps the natural dolls and fairies which are a current theme in all make-believe play right now!

  69. sarah

    i can just see emma with the dollies and she would go ga-ga over the play clay :)

  70. Nur

    Living in a concrete jungle, natural toys like these are keys to nurture my children’s respect for the environment. We are so used to plastics and little do we care or know about the dire consequences for adhering to a materialistic lifestyle. These treasures would an apt compass leading us in our maiden voyage to natural living.

  71. MissAlyssa

    my son would love making all sorts of things out if the clay!

  72. kari

    Oh my! My little one could create an infinite number of things. I think he’d especially love the playsilks right now. He’d find hundreds of ways to use them.

  73. Michelle

    both our 4 year old and 11 month old would graciously accept this prize. I know the dolls would become members of the family, and most likely end up being kissed and chewed on. the stickers would most likely end up adhered to my hardwood floors as a part of the daily masterpiece I usually call a mess. the clay would end up embedded in someone’s finger nails and later removed (not by choice). the pants would probably be peed on at some point and the bumper sticker would most likely end up on my car!

  74. Sarah

    My daughter is 2 yo and I showed her the pictures. She said she would love to hold the baby doll and give her a bottle. She would love to have that basket!

  75. Amy Witherell

    My son, who is an outdoors boy, would love to use the clay to make imaginary beings. He would use the basket for various sorting of grass, leaves, and stones. He snuggles dolls. The limits of what he would do with the rest are only bound my his imagination.

  76. Tara

    oh my goodness- everything is so wonderful what a treasure chest of imagination inspiring toys.
    I think my kids would probably take everything outside and enjoy our spring weather by creating faerie forest and forts full of fun.

  77. God's Dancing Child

    My daughter would love several of the things in here, as would the little boy we watch throughout the week.
    Thanks for hosting this!

  78. Laura

    My little boy is all into battles, so I’m sure he’d figure out a way to do that….he always does.

  79. SoDucky

    More like what couldn’t a kid create! It would be easier to answer. Knowing my daughter though, there would be a lot of putting them into one basket or another, then taking out and putting onto her wooden truck, etc. And she loves hugging dolls!

    Thanks for the chance. :-)

  80. Lisa

    I think it’s fun that I CAN’T necessarily predict how my child or his friends will play.

  81. Daniella

    Any one of my 3 girls would love this basket! They are such beautiful toys that foster such creativity! My girls love dolls and other toys that they can make little villages/homes out of.

  82. David

    Wow! This would keep our little girl busy!

  83. Sarah

    My daughter would likely put all the dolls to sleep on the “pillows” she makes out of her blocks, then find paper or some other thing to be a blanket and ask me to sing them lullabies. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  84. Tabitha

    Although, the items are quite lovely and everything we look for in toys for our little one…. I don’t quite know where my daughter’s imagination would run. I just enjoy watching it unfold and take shape as she grows. In our family, creativity is fed by encouragement and free play. We have an lifestyle that revolves not only around organic foods, but a natural, unforced, organic play. <3

  85. Katie

    My little girl is just getting to the age where toys are really fun for her, so she would have wonderful hours full of play with any of these things!

  86. Jennifer H.

    Wow! I think my little one would play with everything, but she’d probably love the Waldorf doll!

  87. Valarie

    There are a lot of firsts in the basket for my son so I can’t say for sure what he’d dream up! I do know he’d have loads of fun checking it all out and playing with his new favorites.

  88. Kay

    My 20 month old son would love to make the dolls dance. He would love to squeeze them and it would be a great chance to have him play with clay for the first time!

  89. Nana

    Wouldn’t I be the popular Nana if I could give my wonderful grandbabies a gift like this?! I hope my wish comes true!

  90. Jessie

    My 11-month-old son would love to learn and grow with this fabulous collection.

  91. jesica

    o i love, love all of these things! with spring coming we are all longing to play outside! the little dolls/creature would be wonderful for that! the clay is perfect for inside play on the blustery days!

  92. Melanie

    My daughter would love to play with any of these things. She would esp. enjoy the doll, she is just really starting to enjoy dolls and loves diapering and feeding them.

  93. Holy smokes, what a basket!!! Oh, my little girlies have been very into dolls lately. I can imagine a lifetime of happiness with that Waldorf doll in particular.

  94. andrea

    Esty artists are such an amazing collaborative of people and this is shown here with these creative goods, offering toys that don’t require batteries! I have an 8 month old and I have been looking for ideas for play for some time now, with non-plastic, battery operated toys. This would be a great start to this adventure of play and imagination as we venture into the spring time sun. Many thanks for pointing out these resources!

  95. Trish

    My girls would love to play with the wool fairies in their little “forest fairy land” they built! Thanks!

  96. Oh my goodness! I have the hardest time getting down and PLAYING with my boys some days because I get so bored of cars and monster trucks, but I could totally see us going up into the playhouse on the swingset and creating a magical kingdom TOGETHER with these toys. How beautiful!


  97. Oh my! What wouldn’t they do? They’d use the play silk to be a superhero. They’d fly the fairies all over. The pouch would hold everything you can think of. Way too many things to even list.

  98. Cocobean

    My son would love this stuff almost as much as me!! He would love to squish the play clay in his puggy hands, and trail the play silks behind him while running around outside! We do sign language and one of his favorite signs is chicken thus making the rooster pouch awesome for him to put little toddler treasures in!!

  99. Lindsy

    The baby would be great for my toddler to get ready for his baby sister!

  100. I love the waldorf doll and the play silks and the wooden mermain…and everything, this is an AWESOME gift basket!!! My daughter loves any type of doll!

  101. Umm H

    The basket looks really nice! My daughter loves dolls! Something like this is sure to keep her busy for hours and would definitely help with her imagination.

  102. Sarah

    My little lady is turning two next month! She would have a field day with all of this! She is very imaginative and I would love to see what she would do with all of those wonderful things if she had the chance! I have the privlege of bringing my daughter to work with me and having a basket full of great natural toys would be exactly what we BOTH need! Thanks for the opportunity!

  103. hi!
    is this the same contest from last week? can’t wait to hear who the winner(s) are!

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