5 Books I Read This Week – Bacon, Anti Aging, and Dystopian Romance

5 Books I Read This Week – Bacon, Anti Aging, and Dystopian Romance

I love to read. I just wish there were more hours in the day so I could read lots more than I do. This week I am reading a mish mesh of fiction and non-fiction. Oh and cookbooks because dinner has been uninspired lately and I want to change that.

Right now I am reading or have read the following…

beyond bacon
Beyond Bacon

Mmmmm…bacon. We go through it like crazy in this house but we also like the rest of the pig quite a bit and this cookbook is crazy good. After I devoured it and dogeared it my husband stole it and immediately started talking about how we need to raise pigs. Sounds good to me!

everyday paleo italian

Everyday Paleo Around the World: Italian Cuisine: Authentic Recipes Made Gluten-Free

This book was a birthday gift to me from my bloggy friend Stephanie at Good Girl Gone Green. I adore Italian food and when we went paleo I thought my days of eating this type of food were sadly a thing of the past. This cookbook though really delivers with paleo inspired Italian meals, surprisingly so. The author actually lived in Italy while writing the book and reading about her experiences there is very entertaining and informative. I cannot wait to make some of these meals…


I just re-read this again this week because the second and third books are now out. I just cannot keep up  with all the books series that I like! Anyway this one is set in the future where what is left of society is completely controlled by government and if you choose to marry you have to be “matched” with the person they deem to be most compatible for you. Cassia is dismayed to uncover a glitch during her matching ceremony and she caches a glimpse of a second boy that is also her “match”. Society tells her the first boy is her true match and the second one can never be. Yet she finds herself seeking the second boy out and eventually falling in love with him. Now she has to choose between her family and society or a path no one else has dared to follow. It is a really, really good book and I cannot wait to dig into the other two!

primal moms

Primal Moms Look Good Naked: A Mother’s Guide to Achieving Beauty through Excellent Health

I bought the Kindle version of this book after I read another blogger’s review recently. I did not enjoy it as much as that reviewer though. Don’t get me wrong it has lots of good and useful advice but it is aimed at young women who have yet to have children and what they can do to prevent the damage we associate with childbirth. It’s kinda way late for those who already HAVE children. Also (and I could be wrong) but I would be surprised if the author has not had breast implants. It’s kinda hard for me to stomach books about ‘natural’ beauty when you see surgical intervention at work there.

77 anti aging tips

77 Outrageously Effective Anti-Aging Tips & Secrets

This is a Kindle book and only costs $2.99. If you don’t have a Kindle don’t let that keep you from buying because neither do I. I use the free Kindle reader and I read the books on my phone, computer, or tablet. Easy peasy.

Anyway, this book is well worth the money. I highly recommend it. It is jam packed with lots of great advice on healthy eating, lifestyle, supplementing, and how to stop the signs of aging. I bought because I have stopped drinking green smoothies during the fall/winter and my skin was not so happy. The book inspired me to start drinking aloe vera juice in my water and BOOM, skin back to normal! It also got me dry brushing again (which I already knew was amazing). This is a great buy.

What are you reading??? Share below!


  1. Corrine

    Hi Tiffany, I can’t possibly imagine how a woman literally reads cover to cover 5 books in one week..unless you mean in some cases skimming through to read the parts of a cookbook or how-to book…A few of those I would understand. I read two books a month and am proud of myself. I never could when I was teaching. I do my own house work, pay the bills etc. But I like to watch certain TV shows like the upcoming “Downton Abbey” also among a few others, watch the news, check email, sew..etc. Do you have children?
    By the way, do you have any gluten free, corn free, brown rice free specialities. There are a few companies now coming out with great products that meet all those conditions. I met them at the Gluten Free Expo in Norton MA this year. Great turn out! Well, nice chatting…Great website.
    Signed, a new fan… Corrine

  2. Angel

    I love to read too, and like you I often read more than one book at a time! I have been putting aloe gel in my smoothies for about a month now and I have noticed an improvement in my skin as well. Take care! :)

  3. James Paulson

    You can’t go wrong with anything associate with bacon! Although I am a vegetarian and my wife LOVES it, I will admit that the smell of it cooking in the morning is pretty heavenly!

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