My Fall Bucket List

My Fall Bucket List

Perfect Fall Photos

Fall is my favorite time of year! I am ready and ramping up for some fall fun by making a bucket list. What do YOU love to do in the fall???

My Fall Bucket List

Attend the Country Living Fair Done!!!
Go apple picking at a local orchard
Make apple dumplings
Make crockpot applesauce
Visit a pumpkin patch
Carve some pumpkins
Take a scenic drive too see changing leaves
Take a boat out on Alum Creek to see the leaves
Go on a hayride
Visit a haunted house
Go to the Pumpkin Festival
Eat pumpkin funnel cakes
Make my own pumpkin puree
Attend Boo at the Zoo
Go on a Ghost Walk
Navigate a corn maze

And of course enjoy every moment of fall before the terrible no-good awful winter comes…if you can’t tell, I am not a fan. :)


  1. Chrysa Duran

    I love fall! It’s the best weather of the year. I can’t wait to hit some harvest festivals in the coming weekends.

  2. scentednights2002

    I love apple picking. I hope to go to a corn maze this year too.

  3. Crystal

    So many of those things are on my list too. Making crockpot applesauce might have to happen tomorrow. I love the smell of cinnamon in the house!

  4. Jen

    I love your list, I want to do everything on it. Too bad we don’t have apples or leaves that change in FL!

  5. Melanie S

    I wait all year for the apple picking, festivals, corn mazes, and foliage drives. Fall is fabulous!

  6. I like the idea of making a bucket list for each season! We are hoping to visit a more authentic pumpkin patch to find a pumpkin this year — maybe even cut one off the vine! I am glad my kids’ elementary school does a haunted house as a fundraiser. It’s just scary enough. I don’t think my 7, 5, and 3yo could handle a real one. I’m not sure *I* could handle a real one. I am also hoping to make another leaf garland this fall:

  7. Allan @ BioGreenie

    That is a great bucket list. We like to have sweet potato pancakes and a side of baked sliced apples on a cool Autumn morning. Then we head to the outdoor farmer’s market to check out fresh produce and organic goods.

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