3 Steps to Creating a Minimalist Kitchen

3 Steps to Creating a Minimalist Kitchen

Steps to Creating a Minimalist Kitchen

Less really is more, especially when it comes to practicing minimalism in the kitchen. And while there are hundreds of books and magazines that can steer you towards creating the ideal minimalist kitchen, the truth is that most of us don’t have the time or resources to spend on remodeling or even on purchasing new equipment.

The good news is that practicing minimalism in the kitchen does not require that you spend big bucks. It’s all about getting back to basics and eliminating all the extemporaneous things from your space. You can achieve the clutter free existence and peace of mind that come from minimalism simply by cleaning, re-organizing and rethinking the space and equipment that you already have.

Step #1: Rethink Your Stuff

In order to practice minimalism, you are going to have to rethink everything that you have in your kitchen. That means emptying out your cupboards – all of your cupboards – and deciding whether or not the items are truly worth the effort of keeping them clean and the space of storing them.

As you take each thing out of your cupboard, ask yourself how long it has been since you used it. If it has been longer than a year, out it goes. Feel free to sell it if it is still in good condition. But by no means allow it to clutter up your cupboard or counter space any longer.

Now, before you put anything back onto or into your cupboards, remove it from the kitchen altogether, because before you can truly go minimalist in your kitchen, you will need to clean out and rethink your space and what it is used for.

Step #2: Clean Out Your Space

Before you put even one item back into or onto your cupboards, it’s time to clean your space from floor to ceiling. Grab some vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. While you’re at it, repaint or resurface the counters if you can afford it (you can find both paint and resurfacing materials at most do-it-yourself home goods stores).

Take this opportunity to fill in any nail holes, replace light bulbs and clean out any light fixtures as well. You see, practicing minimalism brings the focus on the basics; the floors, the surfaces, the walls, and you want these to be clean and in good repair and not draw your attention because of the dirt or flaws.

Step #3: Rethink and Reorganize Your Space.

If you are like most of us, you probably weren’t blessed with a professional sized kitchen that enough room to store all of your gadgets and foodstuffs out of sight, leaving your kitchen clutter free. While going through your items will help reduce the clutter, reorganizing your space will reduce that clutter even further.

And while we are on the subject, just because you have always used a particular cupboard to store pots and pans in does not mean that you have to continue to do so. While your cupboard and counter spaces are empty, take a good hard look at every surface and determine what would best fit and how it could best be used.

Designate specific cupboards for specific uses (food storage, pan storage, dishes, electronic items etc.) Then only allow yourself to put as much into that cupboard as can comfortably fit. Do not stack things to the point that they fall out if you open up the cupboard door. If you have too much to fit comfortable, weed out the excess, keeping only as much as you actually need to get the job done.

Putting It All Together

With just three simple steps, you too can find yourself living with a minimalist kitchen where the focus is on the food and its preparation and where your attention is not diverted by dust collectors or prevented by having to work around gadgets and gizmos that you never use anymore. Now sit back and enjoy preparing and eating your food with the peace of mind that only a minimalist, clutter free kitchen can bring you.