Top 5 Reasons Country Living is Better

Top 5 Reasons Country Living is Better

Top 5 Reasons Country Living is Better

The debate over which is better, country or city living has been raging for years now. However, moms who love nature will tell you that packing up, hiring a moving company, and hightailing it to the country is a great way to go. No, you don’t have to choose a cabin that is way out in the middle of the woods, but wouldn’t it be nice to live more than 50 feet away from your neighbors. If you are a mom who is on the fence and debating whether to move out of the city or suburbia and make your home in the country, read on below for some of the top reasons that living close to nature could be the best for your family.

A More Nature-Involved Upbringing

There is nothing like a walk in nature or a BBQ in the backyard with the birds singing to bring home just how important nature is to raising a family. When your children can walk outside and see the sky blanketed with stars instead of just the foggy haze of the city, the twinkle in their eyes should make you happy you decided to take up the country life indeed.

Kids have Fewer Allergies

While it hasn’t been scientifically proven, studies have shown that children who are raised in the country have fewer allergies and a lower risk of developing asthma. This is enough of an incentive for any mom to move her little ones from the city to the country in a hurry.

Kids have Room to Run and Grow

This one is of course a no-brainer. Kids cannot get a ton of exercise in a tiny apartment with a busy street in front of the building. Kids need the room to stretch their limbs so that they grow. While a child can grow up just fine in a small space, it is great for a mom to be able to see her child run free and not have to worry about cars or other hazards in the country.

Helps Develop the Imagination

There are things that can develop a child’s imagination in the city, of course, but there is nothing like being free in the country to encourage a child to be creative. If you have a child that is sensitive, there is nothing like the quiet of the country to get their imagination started and to put them on the path to problem-solving with the best of them.

Reduces the Symptoms of ADHD

Studies have shown that being in nature reduces the symptoms of ADHD and ADD in children quite a bit. Even city kids who have taken a walk through a green park often calm down quite a bit after communing with nature, so how well must living in nature full time help those with these same problems?

Time to be Together as a Family

One of the biggest benefits of moving from the city to the country is the increased time it allows you to spend with your family. When you live in the country you don’t have rush-hour traffic to sit in for hours on the way home from the office and unless you want to drive a long way, you aren’t signed up for a ton of extracurricular activities. This gives you the time to spend with your family that living in the city just can’t and that is the most important thing to any mom.

These are just a few of the reasons that you as a mom should move from the city or suburbs to the country. From spending time together as a family to developing the imagination of your impressionable children, country living is just better and every family should give it a try. So what are you waiting for? Move your family to the country today and enjoy everything that nature has to give!


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