DIY Pantry Moth Repellent

DIY Pantry Moth Repellent

pantry-moth-repellentA few years back and two homes ago we developed a big problem with pantry moths. I am not totally sure how it all began because I never   had a big problem with them before, perhaps a few here and there. This particular year though I could barely keep anything in the pantry that they did not infest within a couple weeks and they found hiding places in closets, under couches, etc. They destroyed cereal, almond flour, rice, dried fruit, and so many other pantry items.

When we moved shortly thereafter we took them with us because they had cocooned in various hiding places. By that time I was sick of all the wasted food and the larvae are just gross as heck. It was time to end their reign.

Of course any attack in my arsenal has to be natural. No way am I going to spray toxic insecticides near my food. Every thing we did involves some elbow grease and natural alternatives.

Our attack was three-fold.

  • We used sticky moth traps that attract with pheromones
  • I cleaned the pantry out once every two weeks with soap and water and put all attractive foods in mason jars
  • I used a spray repellent in the pantry to keep them out of there

Pantry Moth Repellent Spray

2 ounces white vinegar
10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
10 drops bay laurel essential oil
10 drops lemon essential oil
5 drops rosemary essential oil
5 drops lavender essential oil

Combine all the ingredients in a dark glass bottle with a spray mist top. Shake well with each use and spray on clean shelves and walls, making sure you get all cracks and crevices. Repeat every month to prevent the moth eggs from hatching and to prevent re-infestation. You can also spray a couple cotton balls and place in pantry corners or their favorite hiding places.

We were able to get rid of our moth problem entirely. No more damaged pantry food!


  1. I’ve not heard of pantry moths until now, but I’ve had to content with ants and with fruit flies plenty, so I can imagine how infuriating those little winged bugs were. I’ll pass this along on my social media pages for others who may be dealing with an infestation. Thanks for always keeping it natural!

  2. Well bummer. Tried to share on Google+ but the form won’t scroll up so I can hit the share button.

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