A New Type of CSA -Backyard Gardener

A New Type of CSA -Backyard Gardener

fresh farm foods

I just came across a very interesting idea that takes on the idea of a CSA and mixes it up a bit. It is called Your Backyard Farmer. Apparently the owner, Donna, got a degree in horticulture so that she could operate her own CSA farm (community supported agriculture) and be a part of the sustainability movement. The skyrocketing price of land though, made that dream difficult to realize. BUT still determined, she developed a business model that overcomes the land issue and is now providing organically raised fruits and vegetables to numerous families through the business she calls “Your Backyard Farmer”. She and a partner install mini-“farms” right in people’s yards, plants and nurtures the crops on weekly basis and leaves a harvest basket on the back porch. The annual cost is similar to a share with a CSA and eliminates the need to transport the food. And how can you eat fresher, and more local then that?! Brilliant!


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