Healthy Weeds You Can Eat & Why You Should

Healthy Weeds You Can Eat & Why You Should

Weeds You Can EatWeeds have gotten a bum rap. All over the shelves of gardening and home improvement stores you see tools and chemicals designed to get rid of weeds fast. They are often considered to be unsightly and they also tend to strangle out the plants you DO want to grow, like grass or veggies from the garden. Weeds are very hardy, drought tolerant, and they propagate quickly. Pluck a few out of the ground and a couple day later there are ten more. They can be like a mythical Hydra when you cut its head off. That is why they are such a problem. Unless you decide they aren’t such a problem and you embrace them for these very qualities. Because they are so hardy and they grow so well, even in unfavorable conditions, perhaps that means we need to live and let live and find uses for them. After all one person’s weed filled lawn might just be your own personal salad bar…

Why Eat Weeds?

There are many reasons to get familiar with edible weeds and start growing and eating them. Because they are so hardy they are a reliable food source. You can save money on expensive greens and do your foraging in the backyard, in public spaces, or in vacant lots. If times get tough financially you still have a salad bar you can visit for fresh food, loaded with nutrients. We also see many communities turning into food deserts with little to no access to real grocery stores and farmer’s markets….usually the poorer areas of our urban landscapes. Weeds though will grow with abandon in these areas and provide food. Foraging for wild edibles also teaches us an important skill we seem to be losing…the ability to survive and thrive on our own. Money savings, providing nourishing foods to those that need it, and making us more self sufficient… that is what weeds can do.

What Weeds Should I Eat?

Dandelion – Regal queen of weeds right? Dandelions are extremely hardy and their seeds are carried on the wind to create an endless supply. They are edible, tasty, and actually very good for you….the flowers and the leaves. You can gather flowers to make dandelion cookies, dandelion jam, dandelion tea (yum!) or even dandelion wine. My husband has fond memories of gathering the flowers by the bucket full so his grandmother could make wine. You can also use the flowers and the greens in salads, soups, and smoothies. Dandelion is well known as a liver cleanser and also for soothing wounds so they are excellent in homemade salves and body care products.

Lamb’s Quarters – This sounds like a juicy cut of meat right? Well, Lamb’s Quarter’s are commonly referred to as wild spinach and they taste very much like spinach. Their abundance and hardiness make them a darling of wild food foragers everywhere. They are a weed but very edible and can be cooked or used just as you would use spinach and they are loaded with beta carotene and calcium. Gobble them up in salads, soups, on pizza, in smoothies, or saute them lightly in oil. They are really tasty in a pureed garlic, onion, and avocado spread. If you don’t have any growing in your own yard just look around in vacant and abandoned lots (that are not being sprayed)…you may hit the jackpot.

Watercress  – You often see bundles of this tasty green at farmer’s markets but they grow wild near waterways and riverbanks in just about every state. The favored way of eating it is raw in salads usually as they are close in relation to mustard greens and arugula. It is packed with vitamins A, K, and C and has also been used since ancient times as a healing aid.

Queen Anne’s Lace – This is another well know weed (like the dandelion) due to its beautiful flowers. They grow in fields, meadows, waste areas, and roadsides. It is also called wild carrot and you can dig it up and eat the finger like roots just as you would carrots. They taste great in soups and stews. The flowers can be eaten too (usually fried in batter).

Plantain – This weed can survive in pretty rough conditions. You will often find it sprouting up in sidewalk cracks or growing in gravel. It seems to find a way. It is related to spinach and is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. You eat it much like you would spinach but usually cooked. You can even eat the seedpods. Cook until tender and serve the leaves as you would spinach. The seedpods should also be cooked (quite tough) and served as you might serve green beans or asparagus.

This handy weed is also antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and a poison antidote. When you get a bee sting or mosquito bite you can chew the leaves and put the moistened /chewed leaves on the would to help draw out any toxins and help to heal it. It also works for bleeding, bruising, and itchy rashes. Beyond making poultices you can also make healing plantain oil by infusing the leaves in olive oil for several weeks.

As you can see weeds can be quite miraculous. Their hardiness, their nourishing properties, and their healing properties should be enough to make anyone reconsider and just let them grow.


  1. Joyce Brewer

    Until I read your post I’d only heard about dandelion salads. But wine? Sounds great to me!

  2. Sarah Langdon

    I went to some woodlands and got stinging nettles and ramsons (wild garlic) I also use dandelions ❇:-)

  3. Little Miss Kate

    I had no idea you could eat Queen Anne’s Lace, there is a feast all ready for someone near my moms house!

  4. Kay M.

    I love this post! I studied herbology for a while when I was younger. I don’t understand why people have such a hard time with things like this. God provides. One day, they may HAVE to learn to eat this way!

  5. I purchase dandelion leaves in large bundles at the farmer’s market and dry them to use as a tea to help reduce water weight during my cycle.

  6. Amanda Matheny

    Wow, I never knew so many of these weeds were edible! This is pretty awesome! I’ll have to see if I can determine what weeds grow in my yard and if any of them are the edible ones. Thanks for the great advice! I should link to your post on my website. It is called Crafty Frugal Mom, , where I sell handmade craft items, discuss parenting, and talk about money saving, manageing, and earning. This definitely falls under the money saving category. Thank you.

  7. Ruth's Chickens

    Awesome post! I wish more people knew how beneficial weeds were – especially dandelions.

  8. Nora Gouma

    Lovely post….People need to know more about this….xoxoxo…^_^

  9. Brooke

    Careful about eating Queen Anne’s Lace! It looks almost exactly like hemlock so quadruple-check yourself before you eat QAL – hemlock is poisonous!!!

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