We’ve all heard of coconuts right? You may or may not have heard of coconut oil but by now you probably have. Usually we get coconut dried, shaved, and thrown on a cream pie. But when we just eat the dried flesh of the coconut, were missing out on the best part. Coconut oil was once used regularly for cooking, but has now disappeared in favor of oils containing unsaturated fats. I use it quite a bit in my own kitchen. I buy organic coconut oil from The Sunflower Market and I just love cooking with it.
Here are six reasons you should consider switching to coconut oil to cook your meals.
* It lowers cholesterol. Weve always been told to avoid saturated fats because they raise your cholesterol. This is the primary reason coconut oil, which is mostly saturated fats, has been used less and less recently. However, coconut oil has been shown to help metabolize cholesterol faster, reducing overall levels. A study was done in a culture where coconut oil was used on a regular basis. When these people were moved to a different area and their coconut oil intake dropped, their cholesterol levels got much higher.
* It can keep you young. Coconut oil lowers cholesterol because it stimulates the thyroid gland. When the thyroid works properly, it uses cholesterol to make chemicals that are vital for preventing disease and keeping you from aging.
* It can help you lose weight. As I already mentioned, coconut oil helps improve thyroid functioning. Improper functioning of the thyroid is a major cause of obesity. Cultures that use more coconut oil have less incidence of obesity.
* It can prevent cancer. Increased thyroid function has also been shown to reduce the incidence of cancer. Studies have shown the occurrence of cancer to be lower, and in some cases nonexistent in areas that rely on saturated oils. They have also shown that the number of cancer cases increases with the addition of unsaturated oils to the diet.
* It can prevent infections. Coconut oil has been found to contain 40% lauric acid. This is a fatty acid that is found in breast milk. The body converts it into a substance that fights bacterial, viral, and protozoal infection in infants. When your body has these chemicals, your immune system does less work and you stay healthy.
* It has been used for a long time. Coconut oil has been used in tropical areas and even modern cultures for many years. Only recently have people started switching to unsaturated oils for cooking. In areas that have made this switch, obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, and other problems have increased. Cultures that still use coconut oil have fewer of these problems.
So why not go buy some coconut oil today?
I’ve always heard the exact opposite. Do you have some links to sources for this information?
I love love love coconut oil too. You can also use it to remove makeup and moisturize your face. It’s also yummy :)
Here is one link from a very reputable source:
It has some great info and here is a quote from Dr. Mercola : “You should definitely consider switching to coconut oil exclusively for all your sautéing and cooking needs. It does not form dangerous trans fatty acids that even olive oil does, and it is far healthier than the other vegetable oils out there.”
Here is another:
“At one time coconut oil received negative press in the US because of its high level of saturated fat. However, modern research has shown that not all saturated fats are alike and that the fatty acids in coconut oil, the medium chain triglycerides, do not raise serum cholesterol or contribute to heart disease, but are in fact very healthy. Also, some negative studies done on coconut oil in the past was done on hydrogenated coconut oil, which has been altered from its original form. Other studies have clearly shown that traditional Asian cultures that eat significant amounts of coconut in their diet do not suffer from modern diseases seen in western cultures that promote a low-fat diet.”
This same article discusses weight loss benefits too.
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I am so glad to find this site about the benefits of coconut oil.
WalMart sells a 31.5 fl oz container of non hydrogenated coconut oil with a very resonable price.
I have been cooking with coconut oil for about 3 years.
One advantage of using coconut oil is that you can store it in a squirt/mist bottle. When I am broiling I spray a little extra coconut oil onto the food.
Another reason I use coconut oil is that it doesn’t smoke as fast as other oils. Otherwise my smoke detectors go off. .