Have you noticed how completely ugly most recycling bins are? I am sure you have. If you use the bins provided by your city or local waste collection service then you probably have the standard plastic tubs in red, green, or blue. They are fine for putting out at the curb once a week but it gets annoying to have to look at them in your kitchen every day. Not only do they waste a lot of space, they look unsightly. So what to do? I know! Hide those dastardly bins in the garage or set them out … [Read more...]
Challenging Conventional Nutrition and Health Ideas
Telling me you are a doctor and know a little something about nutrition and health doesn't mean much to me. The more you research and take your health into your own hands... the further you go down that rabbit hole, the more you realize that most doctors and physicians are just products of a failed system and flawed science. Vaccination is a perfect example. We are told over and over again that vaccines are safe and that they keep us safe. Get those shots! It is only when a parent comes home … [Read more...]
The Power of Reclaiming Domesticity
Over the weekend I read a great article on The Washington Post about the fact that women are reclaiming domestic activities...ala cooking, canning, knitting and such, and it asks whether this is empowering or a step backwards for women's progress. I think the article is beneficial because it is rightly painting domestic tasks in a favorable light and shows that women who pursue such things are finding enjoyment in them. But I also think it misses a larger point about feminism and … [Read more...]
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