Discovering that you are about to have a baby is often one of the most joyous times of a woman's life. It can also be the most nerve racking. You are now responsible for the healthy development of another human life and everything you eat, breathe, and come into contact with for the next nine months can impact that growth and development. Being pregnant is weighty enough as it is without scaring moms to be and throwing a bunch of rules around. Yet the high incidences of autism, asthma, … [Read more...]
Buying in Bulk is Green
One of the biggest environmental problems we face is packaging waste. For most of the public every shopping trip they take results in lots and lots of packaging...cereal boxes, cans or bags of nuts, bags of rice and beans, plastic milk jugs, etc. There are quite a few steps we can take to reduce our contribution to the packaging waste stream and one huge one is to simply eat real, local foods and not the processed foods that are more typically found in boxes and plastic bags. Yet there … [Read more...]
A Pantry Eating Challenge
Part of being a savvy mom means shopping for deals and buying in bulk. This can be especially true of certain health foods because they cost more, and buying in bulk may be one of the few ways we can bring prices down. That five pound bag of raw organic almonds is none too cheap but perhaps it is a bit easier to digest when you buy a 25 pound bag and do the math. The problem with bulk buying and shopping for deals and sales is that you may end up with a fridge and pantry stuffed beyond their … [Read more...]
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