I was so encouraged by my progress on my New Year's goals for the month of January. It was an awesome start to the year. Then along came February and I was bombarded by one stressful situation after another. Much of it was stuff I could not control and feeling helpless is no fun at all. Some of it though was just reaping the consequences of being so disorganized. They say that once it rains, it pours and that is the way February went. It's all about the Law of Attraction. Once the bad stuff … [Read more...]
Ideas for Date Night and Greener Sex
In the spirit of Valentine's Day I thought I would highlight some ways to keep date night a green affair. Date night is something I hope that all couples are able to take advantage of at least once a month. It is so easy to lose your identity as a lover and partner when you have kids, home, work, bills, and all that other stuff that takes over our lives. I know I certainly let myself forget how important it was to stay connected to my husband over the years. Heck we didn't even celebrate our … [Read more...]
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