No doubt you are catching on to the fact that the "beauty industry" is actually code for "toxic crap you don't need". Never in a million years would you think women would willingly line up to slather noxious chemicals all over their face but guess what? They do! But we can green up our beauty routines and make them more natural and safe too. Here are some tips for greening up your beauty regime. 1. Read the ingredients. Look closely at the ingredients in your cleanser, shampoo, hair gel, … [Read more...]
Green Tips for Safer Christmas Toys
Above: My daughter is playing with her Spellmaster by Tag Toys Is Christmas on the brain yet? Every year parents hear about toy recalls and the latest toys to have failed safety inspections and expectations. Tighter regulations passed but that ultimately ended up meaning we had fewer options and the huge corporations making the toys typically recalled got free passes to go about business as usual. Cause you know... safety legislation is too tedious for mega corporations to deal with. From lead … [Read more...]
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