"Green laundry" does not refer to what happens to your whites when you wash them with colors. Or maybe that is only my laundry. We have three people in the house (including myself) whose fave color is some shade of green or aqua. Green laundry actually means eco-friendly washing practices that emphasize biodegradability and less waste. Why is this important? Well it matters what we pour down the pipes and put against our skin and many conventional laundry products are heavy on the toxics. … [Read more...]
Eco Friendly Fall Clean-Up
With Fall comes the lovely colors, the cooler weather, and a whole bunch of clean up. Already our small neighborhood is buzzing with the sounds of maintenance guys cleaning up the leaves with leaf blowers, riding mowers with leaf baskets attached, and leaf shredders. Typically our family does not hire anyone to do this annual clean up, we do it ourselves, but boy is it overwhelming. We have the biggest yard in the area I think...over 2 acres and about 75 trees. The amount of leaves is horrendous … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Grow a Greener Family
1. Breastfeed your baby - Breast really is best and it is the greener choice too. No bottles, no nipples, no cans of baby formula. Breastfeeding is waste free! 2. Use cloth diapers - Reusing is always greener than buying one use disposables. When the naysayers argue about energy used laundering diapers just ask them if they launder their panties and undergarments or if they buy new every time. Boom! 3. Think before you buy new - Do you NEED it? If the answer is no then don't buy it. If the … [Read more...]
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