The ingredients in shampoos, soaps, and other body washing products are something that I never gave much thought to until I had children. Okay, got me. Truth be told I didn't even give it much thought after my first child was born. I was one of those naive consumers who thought that the government would never allow products with unsafe ingredients to be sold to the public. I thought that if a product was on a store shelf then it MUST be approved by Uncle Sam and it MUST be safe for me … [Read more...]
BPA and Glass Baby Bottles – Siliskin and Wee Go
Glass baby bottles are making a big come back in recent months. One of the primary reasons for this is that so many of the plastic bottles on the market contain BPA or Bisphenol A. Basically it is an estrogen-like chemical used to make plastic but it is actually one of the last things we want to expose our children too. It can speed up puberty and add to weight gain, and may cause changes that can lead to breast and prostate cancer. Other studies have shown that is may cause brain damage, … [Read more...]
Battle of the BPA Free Sippy Cups – A Review
Read part two of this report here... & Check out my review on the New Glass Sippy. By now you have probably heard about the big BPA or bisophenol debate. BPA is a nasty chemical most often found in polycarbonate plastics. These plastics are used many times to make products that are in a great many homes. I have posted about this issue a few times in the past but it is worth mentioning again. So what is BPA and why should you be concerned? Bisphenol A is an estrogen-like chemical used to … [Read more...]
Organic Can Be Affordable
My recent post over at Green Options spurred a comment that organics are not affordable enough to be practical for average families. I find the comment extremely valuable because I used to think the exact same thing. It was a no brainer that organics were healthier for my family since they had no chemicals, pesticides, or dangerous additives but the price tag was hard to ignore. I wasn't ready to double my grocery bill at that point. Now several years later when my household food is 90% organic, … [Read more...]
The Eco-Friendly Soap that Grows on Trees!
We all want our clothes to be clean and fresh right? But at what price? Ironically the detergents that many people use to "clean" their clothes are actually leaving your clothes in worse condition than before you threw them in the wash. This is because conventional laundry detergents are full of toxic chemicals and these chemicals leave a residue on your clothing that may be absorbed by your skin or may evaporate into the air for you to breathe in. Some of the concerns in your laundry … [Read more...]
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