We don't often do desserts in our house. On occasion will we follow up dinner with some homemade sorbet but that is the extent of our dessert making here. Perhaps this is why my kids were uber suspicious when they spied pudding chilling in the fridge. They just KNEW that something had to be "off" with it. Was their spinach blended in? Was it sweetened with fruit juice? All good questions and of course they were hip to my tricks. This pudding was mostly comprised of avocado and yet despite that, … [Read more...]
For the Love of All Things Coconut!
I have known about Tropical Traditions for a couple years now and always meant to order some of their amazing coconut oil. For whatever reason I just never got around to it and ended up buying the coconut oil I found at my local grocery. Going paleo/primal really revved up my quest for quality though and I finally decided to buy what I considered the BEST coconut oil and coconut products out there. In my mind that honor belongs to Tropical Traditions. I ended falling in love with their coconut … [Read more...]
Frozen Kefir and Blackberry Compote
We aren't all that big on desserts around here. I think that may be because we live within 15 minutes of what has been called America's best ice cream... the local artisan creations from Jeni's. I have no problem loading the family into the car and making a trip there once or twice a week but recently we decided that needed to change some. We aren't worried about our health or the size of our jeans. Rather we are trying to reduce the "dining out" portion of our monthly budget. Dagnabit! Since we … [Read more...]
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