I have been wanting to buy a laptop lunchbox for a very long time. I first saw them on the Vegan Lunchbox blog and that was it...I wanted one. But unfortunately I did not have a use for one so I decided against purchasing. A few weeks ago though, my son started kindergarten at a new school and unilke his previous school they attend all day long and serve lunch. And since the school lunches are not healthy, I finally have my chance to use the Laptop Lunchbox system. Hurray! My son and I were … [Read more...]
No Plastic Drink Containers Please
I just had to give a shout out for yet another wonderful "green" product. I am loving my new 40oz. stainless steel drinking container from Klean Kanteen. I have been going walking and hiking more now that the weather is cool and I don't have to worry about snakes in my backyard...so instead of carting along a plastic watter bottle I decided to make the transition to stainless steel which is durable, toxin free, and non-leaching. They come in a ton of sizes from 12 OZ ($17.95) which is perfect … [Read more...]
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