The topic for the bundle of the week is perfectly aligned with my values and interests. I am pretty excited about it. I think it has to be my favorite bundle yet and there have been some good ones! I like to download these books to my DropBox and enjoy them on-the-go or from the comfort of my bed, via my tablet. I cannot even believe I held out against ebooks so long. Anyway the books available in this Simplicity Bundle are... 25 Intentional Days - Walks you through a step by step … [Read more...]
Bundle of the Week – Gluten & Grain Free
The ebook bundle of the week is right up my alley and I am fairly excited about it. The theme is gluten and grain free and it includes 5 wonderful ebooks. For only $7.40 you get the following: Against the Grain, Beyond Grain & Dairy, The Grain-Free Snacker, Best of the Grain Free Meal Plans, Gluten Free and Good for You. If you are curious about going grain free or want to try and eat fewer grains and gluten then these books are an excellent resource. I like to download these … [Read more...]
Getting Organized with Me in a Tree
I was so encouraged by my progress on my New Year's goals for the month of January. It was an awesome start to the year. Then along came February and I was bombarded by one stressful situation after another. Much of it was stuff I could not control and feeling helpless is no fun at all. Some of it though was just reaping the consequences of being so disorganized. They say that once it rains, it pours and that is the way February went. It's all about the Law of Attraction. Once the bad stuff … [Read more...]
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