Today kicks off Follow the Frog Week. What exactly is that you ask? Well, basically this initiative comes to us from the Rainforest Alliance and it is a week-long campaign that encourages individuals and businesses to celebrate sustainability by taking even one small step toward a greener lifestyle. There is actually a little green frog on numerous products such as coffee, tea, chocolate, flowers, paper and wood products that signify these are better choices for the planet. Have you seen the … [Read more...]
Living the Green
I don't typically shop at WalMart but as with most conventional stores there are usually a couple things I might need or buy there, even if the bulk of my shopping is done elsewhere. There are two items I might go to WalMart for. The first is organic coconut sugar since it is $1.30ish less than my regular grocer, for the exact same brand/size. I don't use it often but there is at least one recipe I make once or twice a month that tastes best when I use coconut sugar and I cannot stand to pay … [Read more...]
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