The topic for the bundle of the week is perfectly aligned with my values and interests. I am pretty excited about it. I think it has to be my favorite bundle yet and there have been some good ones! I like to download these books to my DropBox and enjoy them on-the-go or from the comfort of my bed, via my tablet. I cannot even believe I held out against ebooks so long. Anyway the books available in this Simplicity Bundle are... 25 Intentional Days - Walks you through a step by step … [Read more...]
Throw Out Fifty Things
Over the weekend I dived into the book Throw Out Fifty Things - Clear the Clutter and Find Your Life by Gail Blanke. It is not so much about minimalism as it is about taking the beginning steps to decluttering. The idea is to have the concrete goal of getting rid of fifty things in all the main rooms of your house. Items of the same type count as one... so 5 pairs of shoes is only one item in your overall fifty. I started reading it on Saturday morning and by noon I was knee deep in … [Read more...]
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