I don't typically shop at WalMart but as with most conventional stores there are usually a couple things I might need or buy there, even if the bulk of my shopping is done elsewhere. There are two items I might go to WalMart for. The first is organic coconut sugar since it is $1.30ish less than my regular grocer, for the exact same brand/size. I don't use it often but there is at least one recipe I make once or twice a month that tastes best when I use coconut sugar and I cannot stand to pay … [Read more...]
Green Energy 101
Energy is always a hot discussion in politics. Alternative sources and solutions for our energy needs are often discussed and encouraged but we have been using certain forms of energy for so long that some may be confused about how we can utilize greener energy. Recent events (Hurricane Sandy) and discussions about climate change should tell us we need to bite the bullet as a nation and as a planet and invest in alternative energy NOW. Wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy are probably … [Read more...]
Helping Kids See Past Commercialism
Childhood obesity is at an all time high and kids are killing each other over the newest technical gadget or fashion craze. Are these the after effects of too much commercialism? TV is encouraging a sedentary lifestyle that is seeing our kids developing habits that foster obesity. Not only are TV programs monopolizing our children’s attention and imagination (or what’s left of it) but the commercials are too. Even if a child eventually loses interest in a program he’s watching the commercials … [Read more...]
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