October is attachment parenting (AP) month. You may or may not be familiar with this style of parenting but many green, natural, crunchy, granola parenting types are. It seems to mesh really well with lots of the other things we hold dear. A group of green/natural mom bloggers have recently gotten together to form a weekly column called Green Moms Weekly and the first question that was posed to the group honors attachment parenting month. The question is “How do you balance your busy lifestyle … [Read more...]
Homegrown Organic Eggs
For those of us who live an organic lifestyle (or try really hard to), it’s knowing where our food comes from that matters to us most. What confirmed my conversion was learning my son’s developmental delays were due to a dysfunctional digestive system and vitamin deficiency. Since his system can’t efficiently remove toxins, I have to minimize his exposure. My sister’s organic choices are based on healthy eating and being environmentally conscious. Both of us have chicken coops in the … [Read more...]
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