I have an inner war battling inside me. I was born in farm country where corn fields abound and children can ride a horse almost before they can walk. But then I was transplanted to the 5th largest US city and developed a love for city life. I never forgot my roots though and spent every summer back on the farm, riding until my legs were jelly, catching lightning bugs, and enjoying the farm fresh air. Now I often alternate between dreams... a city or suburbs home with a little land to grow … [Read more...]
Great American Backyard Campout
Saturday June 27 is The Great American Backyard Camp Out sponsored by Green Hour. It would be a great date to take your whole family into the backyard and go camping! While camping away from home with kids can be daunting and even expensive when you consider gas and camping supplies, camping in your backyard is very do-able for most families. You don't even need a tent. If the weather is nice you can just sleep outside in sleeping bags or use fluffy comforters and pillows. If you want some … [Read more...]
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