Six years ago today on Friday the 13th I got the most wonderful gift... my last child, Mr. Parker. For years we called him Parkoo because that is what my then one year old daughter called him. Despite the fact that I was nursing him in tandem with his sister he was still the fattest little breastfed baby ever. Scrumptious! Of all my kids he has been the easiest and he does things in his own time and way. He hated co-sleeping and wanted to sleep in a crib until he hit the ripe old age of three, … [Read more...]
Natural Remedies for Dry Skin
Winter time is famous for dry skin. Even though I am venting my dryer indoors and the windows are usually all steamy my youngest and I are still having dry skin issues. If you have dry skin, you know that it’s not just annoying and kinda gross looking, it can also be incredibly uncomfortable. Your face feels tight and your lips may get chapped and your body itches. Conventional moisturizers are a waste of time usually, in my experience at least. The reason may be that the moisturizers simply … [Read more...]
Mama Knows Breast
I don't really talk about breastfeeding all that much on this blog but I really should because it is one of the most natural and "green" things you can do as a mom. I have breastfed three kids now. My oldest only got 4 months of breast milk because I had to return to work and my place of employment was a big corporate office with a shared bathroom and my office was all glass in front. I would have had no place to pump so he was weaned a lot sooner then I would have liked. I STILL feel guilty … [Read more...]
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