When you eat a lot of fresh fruit and produce you tend to see lots of fruit flies hanging around your house. My husband insists that there have to be eggs on the fruit and that is how they get into the house. I prefer to believe that the little guys can smell the ripe fruit from miles away and sneak inside the house to feast. Who wants to imagine they are buying fruit with egg sacs all over it??? Yuck! Either way it is gross to walk by your bowl of apples or bananas (or whatever fruit you like … [Read more...]
All Natural Head Lice Remedies
A few months back now my family had its first ever bout with the big bad...head lice. I managed to go through my entire life without ever having had lice or even having it in my house. Luckily, I can still say I have never personally had lice but one of my kids did get a visit from these little guys and I was at a loss about what to do since I have zero experience with this issue. As the digital mom that I am, I sought advice from Facebook about natural - pesticide free - ways to get rid of … [Read more...]
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