Carrier oils and butters become something of interest when you want to start making your own beauty products, herb infused oils, and when you want to use essential oils for beauty and for wellness. A carrier oil "carries" the beauty product or essential oil to broad area of the body. Imagine if you will, putting a drop or two of lavender oil on your fingers. How far will those drops of lavender go? How much skin can be covered? The answer is not much. This is why a carrier oil or butter comes in … [Read more...]
Conscious Box – Holiday Version
I started reviewing Conscious Boxes last month and fell in love with them if you recall. Here is a quick view of this jam packed box: Berryplus - Is it strange that the thing that excited me the most when I opened the box was the circular container of laundry soap. I just couldn't get over the cute packaging (contained 2 tubes for 2 loads of laundry) and the wonderful smell!It is 95% berry-based and 100% plant-based. The formula sounds awesome but the little microdoses will mean you have to … [Read more...]
Greener Mother’s Day Gifts
Mother's Day has become yet another commercial holiday were you are encouraged to buy people "stuff" they don't need. Of course I am not going to to complain about ANY day where moms get some extra props and receive gifts from a loved one. I just think we need to think a little about the woman on the other end of the gift a bit more. A green mom especially might be more sensitive to all the unnecessary waste associated with these holidays. Flowers won't last and they may have been doused in … [Read more...]
Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil
In general I am a believer in supplementation. While I do believe that we should always aim to get everything we need from food I think this is not always possible. Soil pollution, food processing, cooking, chemical exposure, and various other external factors certainly effect what we "get" out of our diet. Deficiencies are a part of life and I believe in being proactive about identifying them and supplementing when needed. There is one mineral though, Magnesium, that is absorbed rather … [Read more...]
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