I get so many questions asking me where to start in regards to going green. So I thought I would start doing a room by room feature with green tips for the whole house...today we begin with bathrooms. Bathrooms can be a very wasteful place...lots of water use, garbage generation, and potentially toxic cleaning. Here are some easy ways to green your bathroom... 1. Stop flushing so much - With each flush we use 3-5 gallons of water. You can reduce those numbers greatly by simply deciding to … [Read more...]
Eco Tip: A Smart Showerhead
Looking for a new showerhead? Why not pick one that is green/smart and helps you save on water AND energy. I recently got a 1.6 GPM Energy and Water Saving Showerhead and it is a great product for a green home. It addresses a common habit...leaving the water running while it heats up. Of course no one wants to step into frigid water but it is all to easy to turn it on and then leave to do other things. I know I am guilty of that and my kids can be to. We end up wasting hot water and energy … [Read more...]
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