Why do we try to make our lives just a little greener? It is because we care about our planet and the future that our children will face someday. They inherit the problems we have created as a society and the problems we fail to do something about. We are also concerned about the present. Numerous global challenges we now face... air pollution, water pollution, climate crisis, wildlife facing extinction... these things impact us all every day and give us cause for alarm and motivation to do what … [Read more...]
Earthing Shoes – Get Touchy Feely with Mother Earth
Late last year I wrote about Earthing - what it is and why it is so important so learn about and implement in our daily lives. The post is rather long winded but essentially it is about reconnecting to the earth...physically. It makes the case that we are actually meant to be in close contact with the earth and that our health suffers when we don't have that contact. We all know that kids who do not have the close contact and "touch" of their parents suffer physically and mentally. It is well … [Read more...]
Ways to Channel Our ‘Inner Lorax’ at Home
So have you seen The Lorax yet? If so, then you know that it is fodder for lots of conversations within your family about environmentalism and how to put into practice Lessons With The Lorax. The movie is phenomenal and fun but the subject matter is serious and there is no time like the present to work together as a family to do your part and speak for the trees, and the air, and the waterways, and all things Mother Earth. The Lorax movie just brings us a fun way to launch into it with renewed … [Read more...]
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