I think I may need to do a once monthly column on new food products I have reviewed. Lately here I have been getting more and more food product pitches from companies and have been pleasantly surprised to find some really good eats among the offerings. I don't buy processed foods all that often but a I do buy some for convenience's sake if they are healthy enough to justify it. Some of my recent discoveries wowed me enough to ensure that I will keep buying. The first product I have to mention … [Read more...]
Natural Remedies for Dry Skin
Winter time is famous for dry skin. Even though I am venting my dryer indoors and the windows are usually all steamy my youngest and I are still having dry skin issues. If you have dry skin, you know that it’s not just annoying and kinda gross looking, it can also be incredibly uncomfortable. Your face feels tight and your lips may get chapped and your body itches. Conventional moisturizers are a waste of time usually, in my experience at least. The reason may be that the moisturizers simply … [Read more...]
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