I have a complicated relationship with jewelry. Unlike most women it seems I don't like wearing any. That goes for necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings...everything. The exception to this rule though comes into play when the jewelry has personal meaning or a story behind it that touches me. In that case I will happily wear whatever bauble it is with pride and a little smile every time I look down at it or touch it. These pieces with such significance are rare for me though. When I walk into … [Read more...]
Why We Have Chosen Public School
More and more frequently I get comments on this blog or on Facebook about how I should be homeschooling. Many are well meaning. They think homeschool rocks and they want me to experience this bliss myself. A handful are a tad condescending. I do understand that many parents concerned with self sufficiency, natural learning and living, homesteading, minimalism, etc do opt to homeschool. I do not. Here are some of the reasons why: 1. I do not want to spend every waking moment with my kids. … [Read more...]
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