Hot on the trail of my cool and healthy summer treats post, I have a delicious recipe to share: Mojito Rasberry Paletas! Paletas are fruit pops sold in Mexico... I used to get them as a kid in border towns (grew up in Arizona). Unlike fruit "flavored" popsicles, paletas have big juicy chunks of fruit in them. My favorite as a child was always pineapple or coconut with big chunks of the fruit inside. Yum! Yesterday I tried my hand at making some and combined the ever delicious taste of a … [Read more...]
Natural Remedies for Dry Skin
Winter time is famous for dry skin. Even though I am venting my dryer indoors and the windows are usually all steamy my youngest and I are still having dry skin issues. If you have dry skin, you know that it’s not just annoying and kinda gross looking, it can also be incredibly uncomfortable. Your face feels tight and your lips may get chapped and your body itches. Conventional moisturizers are a waste of time usually, in my experience at least. The reason may be that the moisturizers simply … [Read more...]
Homemade Healthy Veggie Popsicles
The kids and I had fruit salad for breakfast on Saturday morning ,before we went to the zoo. We had lots leftover so I decided to make some quickie Popsicles. I threw the fruit salad into my Vita-Mix, it consisted of strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of raw agave nectar. I also added a cup of fresh juiced OJ and a big handful of baby spinach. Once it was all blended we poured the dark berry colored mixture into our Tovolo (BPA Free) Popsicle molds. We have … [Read more...]
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