I want to give a shout out to the latest podcast from Whole Foods Market. It is all about supplements ...various benefits and forms of supplements, things to know about regulation and explains a few terms that are often confusing. I applaud that the show really let us know that healthy diet is the KEY but that since there are 40 vitamins and minerals that are essential to life functions we may need some extra help. Diet first...supplements second. Malia Curran talks about how you need to know … [Read more...]
Feel Better Links
We are headed into cold and flu season so I thought I would link to some of the articles I have already written about this. No need to reinvent the wheel. ;) This article about flu shots is timely and I have had several readers ask if I get them or my kids get them. The easy answer is HECK NO! ;) Check out my article: Flu Shots - Helpful or Dangerous? I just wrote about an alternative to over the counter flu and cold medications called Sinupret. This is a great, natural product for … [Read more...]
No Plastic Drink Containers Please
I just had to give a shout out for yet another wonderful "green" product. I am loving my new 40oz. stainless steel drinking container from Klean Kanteen. I have been going walking and hiking more now that the weather is cool and I don't have to worry about snakes in my backyard...so instead of carting along a plastic watter bottle I decided to make the transition to stainless steel which is durable, toxin free, and non-leaching. They come in a ton of sizes from 12 OZ ($17.95) which is perfect … [Read more...]
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