Scented Baths - Essential oils can be added to baths for pure relaxation purposes or to help with some sort of ailment like muscle soreness (pine, lavender) or congestion (peppermint, tea tree). Mood Perfume - Scents have long been known to have great effects on mood. If you have an old roll on deodorant bottle try adding some jojoba or sweet almond oil to it along with your favorite essential oil. Roll on when you need a boost plus you get bonus points for in home recycling. Romantic - … [Read more...]
Natural Ways to Cope With Illness
I swear I can time the illnesses in this house perfectly. With any major holiday that highlights "candy" the kids will inevitably get sick after their school or a well meaning relative decides to send them home with candy. And how lovely for us.. Valentines has been no exception. Since my youngest is home sick I have been rockin the wellness routines. I have been washing his sheets with homemade dryer bags, lightly scented with Lemon Balm to calm and sedate. I have made sweet and sour … [Read more...]
Feel Better Links
We are headed into cold and flu season so I thought I would link to some of the articles I have already written about this. No need to reinvent the wheel. ;) This article about flu shots is timely and I have had several readers ask if I get them or my kids get them. The easy answer is HECK NO! ;) Check out my article: Flu Shots - Helpful or Dangerous? I just wrote about an alternative to over the counter flu and cold medications called Sinupret. This is a great, natural product for … [Read more...]
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