One of the biggest environmental problems we face is packaging waste. For most of the public every shopping trip they take results in lots and lots of packaging...cereal boxes, cans or bags of nuts, bags of rice and beans, plastic milk jugs, etc. There are quite a few steps we can take to reduce our contribution to the packaging waste stream and one huge one is to simply eat real, local foods and not the processed foods that are more typically found in boxes and plastic bags. Yet there … [Read more...]
Jambu Shoes Review
A few weeks back I tested out some eco friendly flip-flops. This past week I have been wearing vegan shoes courtesy of Jambu Adventure Designs. Many of their shoes (including mine above) are vegan which makes them a great choice for ethical vegans and vegetarians who still want fashionable footwear. They also have an earth friendly bent because their outsoles are made with partially recycled and re-usable compressed rubber. They also use 100% recycled, recyclable and re-usable packaging. So … [Read more...]
Hurray for Ben and Jerry's
After months of discussion with the HSUS (The Humane Society of the United States) and weeks of hearing from concerned individuals like yourself, Ben & Jerry's has declared that it will adopt an exclusively cage-free egg policy for the eggs it uses in its ice cream. This decision will improve the welfare of tens of thousands of animals annually. As you know, Ben & Jerry's is putting the chicken before the egg and making a dramatic improvement in its animal welfare policies. By committing to … [Read more...]
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