We will never be a TV free family. We enjoy our televisions and our gaming consoles here. We also have smart phones, tablets, and rokus. These are modern luxuries that we happen to love. It is all about keeping things in perspective though. Sometimes we need to do a technology cleanse (or detox) if usage is getting out of hand. We also need to remember that life should be experienced with all of our senses and not just viewed with a screen. Kids may need assistance from mom and dad with this … [Read more...]
How Moms Can Teach Kids to Save Electricity
A guest post by Sam Peters Conserving electricity is a necessity for parents who want to save money. As a mom, you may be interested in finding a unique and innovative approach to getting your kids involved with helping you conserve electricity for the home. It is always a good idea to teach children the importance of saving electricity from a young age so that it is something they learn, understand, and continue to do even when they become adults. Turning Lights Off Turning the lights off in … [Read more...]
Green Your School Year with Recyclebank
It is that time of year so I have been posting regularly about greening the upcoming school year. I have been doing this for a couple years so it is habit now but yet even I need reminders and motivation sometimes. Going to Walmart and tossing the cheapest stuff in the cart as fast as you possibly can is certainly tempting when your to-do and your to-buy list is super long. If it were easy all the time then it wouldn't be called "making an impact" would it? Even green parents can start to run … [Read more...]
10 Ways To Get Outside – Even After School Starts
Homework, soccer practice, ballet – is there time in the schedule to play outside? Here are some tips to get a Green Hour -- or at least part of an hour – during a busy day: 1. Scenario: Traffic made you late, there's no time to cook dinner, so you drive the family over to the rotisserie chicken place to get a quick meal. Tip: Keep a picnic blanket in your car for an impromptu picnic on any spot of grass you can find! 2. Scenario: Backpack? Check. Lunch? Check. You're ready to head to … [Read more...]
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