Can-It-Forward Day!

Can-It-Forward Day!

can it forward

Today is Can It Forward Day when we celebrate the art of canning and preserving your own food!

In past years, canning and preserving food was a way of life and necessary to survival.  In today’s modern society it is easier to go to your local grocery store and purchase canned goods and preserved foods.  Americans in particular spend large amounts of money on ready-to-eat foods that can be prepared quickly and easily.  Very often, the need for two incomes within a family leaves little time for cooking at the end of a busy day.  Purchasing food can be one of the major expenses in any family, especially if you have several children.

Canning and preserving your own food is a great way to save money and ensure that your family consumes only healthy, preservative-free foods that contain no harmful additives or pesticides.  While it does take some time to can and preserve foods, the benefits far outweigh the time and effort required.  Foods that are preserved at home are by far the healthiest you can provide your family.  You can save hundreds of dollars over the course of a year by canning and preserving your own food.  The process of canning food is not difficult and you can be an expert in very little time.  You will be assured that the food your family consumes is healthy and fresh, and contains no harmful ingredients.  You can control the amount of sodium in foods you prepare and preserve at home, which is a big concern for lots of families.

There are numerous benefits to canning and preserving your own food.  You can involve the entire family in the process.  Your children will love to open and eat foods they have helped can themselves.  By growing your own food in a garden, you can have a good supply of canned food that will last through the winter months.  The money you save will be an added benefit to the health advantages you receive by canning and preserving your own food.

Things to do on Can It Forward Day:

  • pledge to can-it-forward by signing up via the pledge page.
  • Tune in on July 22nd to watch canning demonstrations via Facebook Live from 10:00AM – 3:30PM ET. Each hour, viewers will have the chance to win a giveaway prize!
  • Ask Jarden Home Brands canning experts any preserving or home canning questions via Twitter with the hashtag #canitforward from 10AM – 5PM ET on July 22nd. Consumers can also share their own #canitforward creations with the brand on Pinterest and Instagram.

Happy canning!