You have to be supermom to be able to homeschool
right? With super organization skills to lead your children to
success? Well, there is hope for you...even if you are
You think that because you are unorganized you’ll be
facing a next to impossible task, when it comes to planning your
child’s homeschool curriculum. You’ll be happy to learn that, with
the help of the Internet, even the most disorganized Mom can achieve
lesson-planning success.
the simplest way to ensure your lesson plans will be organized is to
purchase a complete curriculum package. There are many online
vendors that offer this option. These packages are readily available
for all grade levels, and are very comprehensive.
Unfortunately, these packages are a bit on the pricey
side. This re-enforces the fact that convenience does not come
cheap. But, if your budget allows, many parents can tell you this is
the way to go.
If you find that you can’t afford to purchase a
curriculum program that covers the entire school year, consider
purchasing packages that cover just one or two subjects. If you
choose this option, you may want to choose packages that cover
subjects you aren’t particularly fond of and would find less
enjoyable to create yourself.
Many times these packages are made available on
popular auction sites, like eBay, at a fraction of the original cost
and in like-new condition.
There are many homeschool-related sites on the
Internet that provide printables which work wonders when trying to
stay organized. Everything from lesson planning forms, to calendars,
to grade sheets, to blackline maps, to book report forms, to award
certificates, to so much more. Why buy a fancy day planner when you
can download this type of printable for just the cost of paper and
Visit your local bookstore or library. There have
been a great many books written on the art of organization. The
great thing about these principles is that once learned they can be
applied to all aspects of your life, not just lesson planning. Your
family will be more relaxed in an organized environment and your
house so clean.
Buy a file cabinet. It will quickly become your new
best friend. Start a separate folder for each subject you will be
teaching. Start folders for such things as field trip ideas,
completed projects, potential projects, etc.
Try to file away the papers you won’t be using for
that day, instead of letting them pile up on your desk. Remember you
can close a file drawer but you can’t close a desktop… unless of
course you are lucky enough to have a roll-top desk.
You can be organized while homeschooling. It just
takes a little extra effort, but the rewards are worth it.
Are you a homeschooling mom that needs help with menu
planning? Try
Dine Without Whine - an inexpensive meal planning service
designed for moms. Or read our article about
meal planning services.
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