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Top Bamboo Toys for Green Kids

When looking for green toys for children, parents have quite a few options. You are sure to find something planet friendly andHape bamboo Race Car Toy enjoyable to your kids because both are important. Some choices include second hand toys, wood toys, and recycled plastic toys. One merging option that has become popular with kids and parents alike is bamboo!

Why Bamboo Toys are Earth Friendly


Toys made from bamboo look and feel like wood. But bamboo is actually a grass and therefore grows much faster than trees. Bamboo plants can grow even taller than many varieties of trees in only a couple years. It is more sustainable to harvest bamboo in only 2-3 years than it is virgin wood from trees that can take 5-10 years to grow to maturity. This coupled with the fact that bamboo is hardy and can be grown without chemical pesticides, makes using bamboo for green goods a smart move. Bamboo is also very stylish in appearance and texture.

Save the planet and prevent waste but making informed choices when you buy toys. In the process you will discover a world of great new toys that you never knew existed! Here are some of the top green bamboo toys for gift giving:





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