Shampoo Bars

Shampoo Bars

Green Organic Soap

I have wanted to make the switch to shampoo bars for some time now. I despise the cocktail of additives and chemicals commonly found in conventional shampoo and lets face it…our skin is the largest organ on our bodies, whatever gets put on your skin gets absorbed into your body, into your bloodstream and into your organs. If you just read the ingredient label on the back of a shampoo bottle, I doubt you will find many things you would like to be hanging out in your bloodstream.

I also despise the wastefulness of plastic shampoo bottles, which must be manufactured, packaged for shipping, and then will ultimately end up in the garbage. A huge volume of money is spent in this industry which could be curbed would just a little conservation.

So, step away from the shampoo bottle and nobody will get hurt. Why not try a shampoo bar instead. They last just as long, if not longer then conventional shampoo, they are 1/4 the size, and the only packaging they may have is good old biodegradable paper. I did a little research on the different types of shampoo bars available and found quite a few that sound great. Being a work at home mother myself though, I usually opt to stay away from mass produced items, and go with a smaller, perhaps mom-based operation.

Yesterday I placed an order for several all natural shampoo bars from Blue House Soaps and they shipped in one day! This particular store also has some amazing goat’s milk soaps that I am eyeing as well :)

I can’t wait to get the whole family sudsing up with our new shampoo bars!

For more information on the ingredients found in conventional shampoo, here is a great article about the No Shampoo Alternative.