The Diva Cup

For women who are looking for an alternative to the disposable and highly uncomfortable paper products available for menstruation, we thought we would mention the Diva Cup. Since The DivaCup is reusable, it is very economical. You can feel confident that you are doing your part in environmental conservation.

So what is it? It is a small cup that works as a form of internal feminine protection. It is made of soft medical grade silicone, which is latex-free, 100% hypoallergenic and odorless.

Here is a review from one of our Nature Moms: “This is my second month using it and words cannot describe how much I love this product! I do not even feel as though I am on my period when my DIVA cup is in, even on my heaviest days. There is absolutely NO leakage whatsoever and I don’t even need a pantyliner. It is amazing. Even overnight…no problems. I wake up and forget I am even on my period. FREEDOM!!

Buy a Diva Cup!