I belong to many online discussion groups and today I came across this link about a correlation between SIDS and vaccines. I found it most interesting since it concurs with my own personal feelings on the issue. We are a non-vaccinating family.
Here are a few of the highlights from the November 2000 Idaho Observer:
In 1985 Dr. Scheibner, a former principle research scientist for the government of Australia, and her husband electrochemical engineer Leif Karlsson invented the CotWatch breathing monitor for babies who are diagnosed at risk for SIDS, or Cot Death as it is known in Australia. Over the next three years, the couple monitored hundreds of babies and studied the event reports that their CotWatch produced. By 1988 we knew that vaccines are killing babies, said Dr. Scheibner.
SIDS occurs among babies who have suffered a physical insult to their vulnerable bodies. Scheibner and Karlsson learned that the most common physical insult suffered by SIDS babies was routine vaccinations. Printouts from their monitor illuminated patterns that indicated critical days after vaccinations.
The full article can be found here.
So why do I feel that this article speaks loudly to some profound truths that often go ignored? Quite simply it is because I have seen first hand the damaging effect of vaccines. My own child experienced three…yes three adverse vaccine reactions before I finally denounced the medical community that wanted me to believe that it was all just coincidence. The third and final reaction resulted in a massive seizure, respiratory arrest, and subsequent brain damage.
Now I encourage ALL parents to thoroughly research this issue. Vaccines protect the masses you might say…but what does that mean to a parent with a vaccine injured child? To me it means nothing. I will instead focus my energies on protecting the children that I brought into this world and for our family that means no vaccines.
Visit one of my favorite sites: ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute
No matter what your opinion I encourage you to leave a comment and tell me what you think about this issue :)