The Farmers Market Returns

I am so excited! The farmers market in my small hometown is returning after a winter hiatus on May 4th. I am excited because I can foresee already that I will anxiously await every Thursday when I will stroll through several dozen booths of goodies. The farmer’s market is known for fresh, nutritious produce and quality products that are locally grown or handmade, from the producer for the consumer, providing necessary items for your own family and helping to support another local family. And of course you know that at the market you will find an absence of preservatives and an abundance of freshness. You can actually sit and chat with the farmers that grow your food, finding out exactly how it is grown and getting to know the farmers and their families. What could be better then that!

I am already dreaming of the fresh tomatoes, sweet corn, onions, berries, homemade bread, noodles, apple butter, cobbler, jams, and pie. Hmmmm…Yummy :)