May I have Molten Sulphur With My Vegetable Oil Please?

Yesterday I was delayed in my travels by a train. There are lots of trains that pass through my area so this is no big surprise but I was a little surprised by what I saw when the train went by.

I have gotten in the habit of reading the graffiti on the trains, often wondering how I will distract my kids in the future as trains go by, when they learn how to read. Yesterday though I concentrated on the actual print on the train cars. One of the first cars I saw go by had a food company brand name and said “Vegetable Oils”. Three cars down from that there was a car that holds liquid (not sure what those are called) but it said “liquified petrolium”. Two cars after that was another liquid carrying car that said “Molten Sulphur”. Gross! I certainly hope that consumable vegetable oils are not traveling to the consumer along side Molten Sulphur!